Following my post on Obamacare Horror Stories on Canada Free Press, I received the following comment:

Posted by: Renee
Email: ———
Location: —– —— , ID

Well, here's another one…not nearly as catastrophic as cancer, but a damned inconvenience for me;

I changed jobs this past February. Apparently, my new insurance, because it was enacted before March 31, 2014, is not "grandfathered in", and one of the big selling points of ObamaCare was supposedly, "coverage for pre-existing conditions", does not count if you have insurance that existed before that date. This crapola just gets better and better. If you have to change policies before March 31, 2014, which I did with a change of employer, you're screwed. Damned bunch of Socialist liars.

And no, I did not vote for Obama (I'm conservative, and was suspicious of him), nor supported ObamaCare, BECAUSE I read the bill.

At least I only have chronic insomnia (from a chemical imbalance in the brain), but I can't see my doctor for this until November, way before which I will run out of meds, and may have to drink myself into a stupor every night (which doesn't always help) just to get a couple hours sleep. I'm sure becoming an alcoholic will be much better for me (/sarc).

I don't know what to do, other than to pay out of pocket for the rest of my life. Jobs are scarce around here, and this is a good job that I've been trying to get for 5 years. Doesn't pay worth a crap, but it's 5 mins from my house, and they don't call Idaho the "slave wage state" for nothing.

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