Attorney General Eric Holder
Attorney General Eric Holder has resigned.

With the longest tenure as the chief law enforcement officer
during any Presidential administration (six years), Holder entered on a
controversial record, sparking concerns from law and order types as well as
constitutional conservatives, and just about anyone else who would expect the
rule of law, as opposed to the rule of men, from the Attorney General’s office.

An aggressive activist in race relations during his youth, Holder
joined the Columbia University
take-over of an empty ROTC office. He has prided
himself on this activism to this day. As a deputy attorney general during the
Clinton Administration, Holder argued that liberals needed to subvert the media
and the minds of Americans to support gun-control. Not just once a week, Holder
argued, but every day, until Americans were
“brainwashed” to think about
guns a different way
. Other blights on Holder’s record pre-confirmation included
in a last-minute Presidential
pardon during the Clinton administration for billionaire
oil magnate Mark Rich. His crime? Billion-dollar tax evasion. Did Rich’s
campaign contributions to Bill and Hillary
this pardon

As Attorney General, Holder got caught up in the “felony-stupid”
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrel Issa
) gun-running Operation
Fast and Furious
, leading calls for Holder’s resignation. Held in contempt
by the House, Holder demurred. He refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act.
His office ignored the Constitution by seizing AP reporters’ phone records,
then refused the media’s Public Records Act requests. Despite the expanding IRS
scandals, in which auditors were stalling, interrogating, and intimidating
non-profit groups and threatening their tax-exemption status, Holder did nothing.

He sued little cities and big states for perceived civil
rights violations, despite the unending violations of the rule of law from the
Obama Administration. With a disturbing record of non-enforcement and
prosecution from US Attorneys against gun violence
, Holder seemed intent on
enabling gun violence rather than stopping it. The American People and a
majority of US Senators (including vulnerable red state Democrats) have
resisted gun control expansions, enough that Democratic Connecticut governor Dannel
Malloy is the underdog in his reelection bid, in growing part to his draconian
gun control laws.

Holder’s departure comes not soon enough.

With Holder gone, politicos are asking: “Whose next?” Ideal
nods would include
Attorney General Kamala Harris
(like Holder, she discriminates which cases based
on liberal as opposed to legal considerations). Massachusetts Governor Deval
Patrick, who is leaving office next year, would also fulfill the progressive
check-list of qualifications: liberal, minority (African-American), prior
executive experience, particularly in overlooking Constitutional mandates and the
rule of law.

Two other names have floated among DC operatives: Democratic
US Senators Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode

What Will Claire Say Next?

McCaskill’s record as a prosecutor pushed legislation (with
bipartisan support) to expedite the trial and conviction of sexual assaults in the
US military, and limit military discretion on dismissing these crimes. Could she
end the “legitimate rape” of the legal system?

Whitehouse also has a record as prosecutor, specifically as
a US Attorney then Attorney General of Rhode Island. Judging by the current
record of incompetence or ignorance from the Rhode Island Attorney General
office (where was Kilmartin when the
raided Speaker Fox’s office
, home and the Providence statehouse?),
Whitehouse may have to run from as well as on his record, much like Holder.

Following his US Attorney tenure, Whitehouse
denounced Attorney General Alberto
Gonzalez for politicizing his office and
engaging in crony conservatism, firing select US Attorneys who opposed the NSA warrantless
wiretapping of US citizens. This hypocritical double-standard could hurt his
chances further, since Whitehouse supported Holder’s nomination, and has
white-washed with deliberate neglect the rampant allegations of corruption enabled  (or fostered) by retiring Attorney General

On the other hand, Senator Whitehouse has been a relatively
benign representative, voting the party line, and preaching about climate change,
but with nothing to show for it. Sixty-plus speeches on differing weather
patterns (against the rising consensus among scientists which shrug off the
seriousness of climate change), and Whitehouse has exhausted his advocacy on
the matter.

As Attorney General, Whitehouse could transform the chief
law enforcement officer’s podium into a bully pulpit against the greatest
threat against humanity: mot terrorism, nor unchecked criminality, not even
racism, but . . .climate change. Imagine Attorney General Whitehouse serving
the sun and the ozone layers a subpoena: Stop shining on us, or else! Joshua
told the sun and moon to stop in their orbits, and they obeyed. Do you think
the sun would respond to a legal summons? From Whitehouse?
"Sun, I order you to stop shining
(or be held in contempt)!"

On the political side, Whitehouse’s nomination as Attorney
General would force red state Democrats (and vulnerable incumbents in 2016) to
buck their party or hurt their future reelection chances. If he did get
confirmed, another open US Senate seat could incite a special election primary
fight between Reps. David Cicilline and Jim Langevin, with meager opportunities
for Republican hopefuls to win a Congressional seat (or Senate seat) in Rhode

Either way, Holder’s resignation (and a possible Whitehouse
nomination) forecasts troubles ahead for the Obama Administration and
Democratic chances this year.
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