The Hawaiian Islands Republican Assembly strikes again!

I had been missing their eblasts and updates, but I am glad to see them striking out against RINOs, Democrats, and liberals of all kinds of perverse sorts!

TALK IS CHEAP: With so much at stake in our elections, shouldn’t fast-talking politicians who promise to make Hawaii residents more prosperous prove by their actions that they ACTUALLY know how to be successful rather than stalling out way, way below the poverty line and making less than a part-timer in a fast food restaurant at the age of 43 . . . if they’re not hiding taxable income and compensation, that is?  Something’s not right here.
Paid for by HIRA News

HIRA News is a service of the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), the conservative standard-bearer for Republicans in Hawaii and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands.  HIRA Action is the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly's political action 24/7/365.

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HIRA is not an official arm of the disastrously mismanaged and RINO-hijacked Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH).  We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Hawaii Republican Party (HRP).  HIRA is the conservative Republican base and an affiliated state chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (est. 1935).

John Fetterman, the Democratic candidate for US Senate in Pennsylvania, was bad enough. He was still sponging off his parents into his 40s, and yet somehow that freak got elected Lieutenant Governor in the Commonwealth ..

Here we are now with more adult children, used to living off the parents and not standing up for themselves, and they want to govern an entire state, too. This is a pretty disturbing trend, one which I think will only get worse as more young adults entere middle age. For the last twenty years, we have seen a growing trend of young people not grow up. They have been allowed to stay irresponsible children, even as their bodies grow up and then grow old.

This dynamic is all wrong. Millennials got trophies just for participating, their parents pulled strings to make sure they got better grades and better positions in different school events and functions. And now those children are entitled adults who expect someone else to pay for everything else in their lives.

No wonder candidates like John Fetterman are socialists, and very soon we will find out which of the two Lt. Gov. candidates in Hawaii is a socialist, too.

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