I kid you not.

I just received a campaign eblast from the Hillary Clinton for President campaign with the following subject line:

"An Alligator in a Tutu!"

Yes, Hillary is an alligator. The mainstream media and her political support team keep trying to make her look good.

But people see her as immoral and dishonest.

She is a distant, stale, establishment fraud.

Who wrote this metaphor? Not Hillary Clinton, of course

It was James Carville:

I read the other day that more of Bernie's supporters have
donated to support his campaign than Hillary's.
Weekend at Bernie's is raising lots of money.

I don't mean to be cranky, but what in the hell is that all
about?! We've got the best chance we've ever had to put a woman in the White
House, and oh, by the way, she just happens to be the most qualified candidate
maybe since General George Washington himself!!
Hillary is a Woman in Name Only. She has no class or dignity. She is a total fraud, and many perceive her as a total liar. She drinks up iniquity like a milkshake.
Chip in $1 and let's catch up to Bernie's donors right now.
This is crunch time now: This election is tighter than an alligator wearing a
Elections in Iowa and New Hampshire come down to getting a
few extra voters here and there to come out for you, and you’ve gotta have that
extra little edge to do that.
That's what you can give Hillary today — that extra little
edge. Chip in $1 right now, and let’s put this lady in the White House:
Donate $1
Let's go,


Carville called Ted Cruz "fearless". He was right. He called Hillary Clinton an alligator.
How right he is!
The only difference? This alligator is going to turn into a purse and get taken away!
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