Hello MassResistance Members and ALL Pro-Family Fighters

Our good friend and pro-family activist Ron Beaty of Barnstable County Massachusetts is under attack by the LGBT Hate Machine for simply tweeting the truth.

He tweeted out:

“Generally speaking, are gay politicians too self-absorbed and self-centered to adequately represent ALL of their constituents in a fair and equitable manner?” 

The answer is a resounding YES! Gay politicians are pushing the gay agenda onto us, and it's tyranny wrapped up in a six-colored flag, nothing more.

We need to stand up to this bigotry from the Left!

As expected, the LGBT haters proved Commissioner Beaty's point and went on the attack, demanding his resignation, his head on a platter, his first-born child etc. …

Thankfully, Commish Beaty is not backing down:

We need to BACK HIM UP.

Please read and share his call to action below. Let's get the word out and make sure that people realize that we are not going to bullied by the Rainbow Nazis in Massachusetts or anywhere else!

If anyone is interested and m/or willing to send a letter to the editor to the Cape Cod Times, it must be 200 words or less, and may be sent two  letters@capecodonline.com and also to Cape Cod Today at: editor@capecodtoday.con 

Barnstable County, MA Commissioner Writes:
 First I hope this message finds you healthy and well. 
Second, as many of you may be aware I have somewhat recently opened up a can of worms and begun a rather controversial public dialogue regarding LGBTQ and/or gay politicians, the special interest groups  that they represent, and their anti-family political agenda.
This all happened simply because I posted the following poll question on Twitter: “Generally speaking, are gay politicians to self-absorbed and self-centered to adequately represent ALL of their constituents in a fair and equitable manner?”
The pushback by the LGBTQ special interest political agenda groups, their far left-wing supporters and politically correct followers has been near overwhelming. 
They have called for my resignation as a county commissioner, and vilified me in any and all ways possible. 
However, I have done nothing wrong and continue  to refuse to resign my position as Barnstable County Commissioner.
With that said, at this time I would like to respectfully request letters to the editor in support of me and the overall issue of freedom of speech and First Amendment rights, as well as fact-based public discussion about special interest groups, and so-called protected classes of citizens which appeare to have more rights than regular people like us. 
If anyone is interested and m/or willing to send a letter to the editor to the Cape Cod Times, it must be 200 words or less, and may be sent twoletters@capecodonline.com and also to Cape Cod Today at: editor@capecodtoday.con
Thank you, and God bless you.
Ron Beaty

ALSO, It's time to go after the so-called "Republican" leadership in Massachusetts, many of whom have called for his resignation. They need to show some spine and support Commissioner Beaty!

Here is the list of state legislators that folks might want to contact to demand bother a retraction and apology for what they did.

Paying tribute to the LGBTQ Political Special Interest Movement, Republican Cape Cod, MA State Legislators arrogantly and unfairly issued a written proclamation demanding County Commissioner Ron Beaty’s resignation: 

State Senator Vinny deMaceado 
Phone: 617-722-1330

State Rep. Will Crocker 
Phone: 617-722-2014 

State Rep. Randy Hunt 
Phone: 617-722-2396 

State Rep. David Vieira 
Phone: 617-722-2230 

State Rep. Tim Whelan 
Phone: 617-722-2488 

Also kowtowing to the Gay Political Agenda, the new Chairman of the MA Republican Party, Jim Lyons,  has called for Commissioner Beaty’s resignation as well. He needs to retract that demeaning demand: 

Jim Lyons, Chairman 
Email: info@massgop.com 
Phone: 617-523-5005 
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