
We have less than 24 hours to raise the resources needed to run our aggressive Get Out The Vote (GOTV) program wide open until the polls close on Tuesday.
And we’ve got a few battles to fight before we cross the finish line.

You see, the GOP establishment doubled down — publicly launching a new round of nasty attacks against me.

In fact, they’re so desperate, Republican RINO Senator Jeff Flake donated $100 to my pro-abortion, pro-amnesty, pro-ObamaCare, anti-gun liberal Democrat opponent. . .
. . . and he has the nerve to call it “patriotism,” claiming his donation shows he’s willing to put “Country Over Party.”

Friend, I graduated from the United States Military Academy.

I served our country in combat during the Vietnam War.

And for over 40 years, I’ve stood and fought against the same forces of evil attacking me now, without bending or compromising, day-in-and-day out for our conservative values.

As for Senator Flake . . .

He entered Congress supposedly as a firebrand change agent — but will retire next year a weak and defeated Obama-McConnell puppet.
And now he’s teaming up with McConnell, the Democrats and the forces of evil to attack and destroy me in these final days.

I’m counting on your support.

This race is expected to come down to the wire.

Friend, time is running out.
If $100 is too much for you at this time, please consider donation $75, $50, $35 or $25 to show the GOP establishent they’re in for the fight of their lives on December 12.
Of course, the establishment Republicans attacking me are the same group of pro-amnesty, GOP insiders who refuse to repeal ObamaCare, build the wall and balance the budget.

They know I plan to take a sledgehammer to their “good ole boys network” in Congress if elected on Tuesday.

And they’re going all-out to keep me out of Washington because, as Mitch McConnell told CNN — I’m “a conservative rebel he can’t control” in Washington.
I’m counting on you to help me fight back.

Thank you in advance for your support.
Judge Roy Moore
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