
John Hawkins mocks the parroted terms which liberal-minded voters love to fall back on when making their argument.

I had an extended discussion with Occupy protesters in Torrance, CA, and the term "Fairness" and "Greed" came up. I simply asked the two protesters to explain what these terms mean, and they readily admitted that they could not define the terms, but they give me examples of what "fairness", "equality", and "greed" were not.

A definition has no salience if it has no identity. A definition must affirm something, not just point out a long list of "what it is not."

"Hatred" was a prominent term this last weekend, too, surrounding the uproar over Chik-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's comment about gay marriage, and the attending charges of "hate" which followed.

The personalization of ideology has created the tense, witch hunt mentality among many liberals. The ethnocentric arguments which disdain logic and lock up argument as based exclusively on the color of a man's skin or the background of a man's upbringing has replaced reason with rearranging prejudices, a policy of demagoguery which can launch into fanaticism if people choose not to be informed and try to think with their feelings.

These Hallowed Liberal concepts — John Hawkins hollowed them out very nicely, and he has provided a network of talking points for anyone who is discussing a substantive issue with a liberal.

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