State Chair candidate Andria Tupola Distances Herself from Bob McDermott

A big part of HIRA's mission is to help encourage Republicans politicians and party leaders alike to behave like Republicans rather than like Democrats as happens all too often.  After all, a cornucopia of failed Democrat economic, fiscal, housing and social policies are harming the people of Hawaii.  So, with this in mind…

Wow, there has been a LOT of fallout since candidate for state party chair Andria Tupola's campaign team (Ready, Rohlfing, James, Ward, Rollman, McDermott) took a giant crap all over the Honolulu County Republican Party.

Where to even begin to assess the damage?

UH, UH.  NO WAY.  TALK TO MY HAND:   RINO politician and Democrat policy advocate Bob McDermott has been making SUCH a massive fool of himself lately that his colleague and potential gubernatorial running mateAndria Tupolawent out of her way to DISTANCE herself from RINO Bob by sending this e-mail to HIRA. Whew, way to 'throw some shade', Rep. Tupola. We still can't understand why you ever let destructive and problematic McDermott be so instrumental to your campaign for party chair. Anyway, thank you for the heads up about Bob!! From here on out, there's NO WAY that will HIRA ever think you two could share the same ticket in 2018.

In fact, in regards to McDermott's run for governor in 2018, HIRA received the most BIZARRE e-mail from "RINO Bob".  The campaign operative for Tupola for GOP State Chair claims about himself that he'll definitely be the 2018 GOP nominee for governor.  And he has some startling advice for anybody who doesn't like his RINO, high-taxing, big-spending voting record at the State Capitol . . .

YES, THE REAL BOB MCDERMOTT:  A big-spending, high-taxing fake Republican politician with some SERIOUS mental problems and an obsessive grudge against HIRA for exposing his liberal voting record.  Thousands have already seen HIRA's recap of McDermott's bad behavior at this past Saturday's Honolulu GOP county committee meeting (plus additional insights into the raging legislator who supports Democrats like Mufi Hannemann and Willie Espero).

In case you missed the video, here you go . . .

What set off old Bob against HIRA.  Was it his rail votes?  His tax votes? His amnesty votes?  There are too many bad votes to count.

SOOO OBVIOUS:  Yes, even the Oahu League of RINO Women could see that Tupola and "Rholfing" (and their allies) have set out to destroy the new leaders of the Honolulu County RepublicanParty.  One of those corrupt allies, of course, was Bob McDonut who got booed out of party headquarters after his braindead, 100% deceitful and profanity-laced attack on Brett Kulbis backfired.  Here's what the OLRW had to say this past Monday . . .

What's really crazy is that while Tupola's campaign flunkies were trying to overthrow the hardworking Oahu GOP county leadership team, they never showed a bit of interest over the past two years while the previous slate of county leaders did jack squatRepublicans succeed except the party organizations.  If do-nothings get into party posts, you can write off the next election.

TAXPAYER-FUNDED DAMAGE CONTROL:  Rather than own up to his many failings, self-described "RINO Bob" is using tax dollars to attack HIRA from his office at the State Capitol.  Hmm, that's not very 'fiscally conservative'.  Yes, McDonut is mad at HIRA for revealing his pro-Democrat voting record that he and his State-funded office boy and girl Friday Keith Rollman just posted this laughable meme from his State Capitol office. Yep, that YOUR tax dollars at work, spent to help forked-tongue RINO Bob cry uncle and shoot the messenger (again).  Already, three of Bob's followers have "liked" it.

But, let's talk about "HIRA" hate. Was it HIRA that booed him out of the last HRP Committee Meeting?  Was it HIRA that told him to cuss up a storm wherever RINO Bob goes?  Nope.  Plus it was McDermott who coordinated with Boyd Ready, Jack James, Fritz Rohlfing and McDermott's own paid state employee Keith Rollman to inundate the Oahu GOP county committee with lies, propaganda and pure hatred last Friday night.
THINGS WEREN'T ALWAYS SO NASTY:  Here's a fun YouTube of Bob McDermott raising money for the Hawaii Republican Assembly for one of HIRA's major fundraising events, like our Ronald Reagan Freedom and Liberty Dinner.  Since HIRA takes conservatism so seriously, our keynote speaker that year was either the president of the NRA, the president of National Right to Life, or the president of the American Conservative Union (producer of CPAC conferences):

TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKE:  Andria Tupola and her associate McDermott bothvoted to install Beth Fukumoto as the GOP Minority Leader at the beginning of the soon-to-be-pau 2017 legislative session.  Perhaps HIRA pushed McDermott over the edge when we reminded folks exactly what Gene Ward's newsletter told us precisely what Bob said when he ENDORSED Beth Fukumoto just a few weeks ago.  Who could forget this NOT-SO-FUN flashback to January 2017.

ANOTHER POSSIBLE TRIGGER:  Something else which might have set off Bob and his anger management problems was pointing out his awful voting record.  Sure, our five elected Republicans in the legislature vote an overwhelming amount of the time for liberal Democrat policies and legislation.  They always hope they can get away with it, because they know how shocked Republicans in their own districts would be.  Take GOP district chair Renee Kawelo, for instance, who recently became the GOP's HD43 leader in Tupola's district.  Ms. Kawelo could barely contain herself when we revealed the liberal, pro-Democrat voting records of Tupola and McDermott.

THEORY #1: Destroying the Republican Party FROM THE INSIDE is the goal of RINO's. Beth Fukumoto did her part for several years.  Now it's RINO Bob McDermott's turn.  No wonder Hawaii voters are confused about why they should vote Republican.  Not only doesn't the Hawaii GOP put up a fight against higher taxes, wasteful spending, and harmful Democrat policies, but neither do the elected Republicans in the State Legislature.  Watch this video and see Bob "Nostradamus" McDermott's twisted RINO justifications and bogus defenses for the damaging agenda of the Democrat Machine and the Rail Cartel.  Auwe!

THEORY #2: This revelation from HIRA triggered RINO Bob . . .

OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING:  On the bright side, with Andria Tupola making the smart move to distance herself from McDermott, now is YOUR chance to become RINO Bob's running mate.  Just send an e-mail right away to bob@unleashedtechnologies.tv.  Tell him you think voting 65% of the time with Democrats is great and that you want to help him move up the political ladder by being on the McDermott for Guv 2018 ticket.  We don't expect many people to apply, so this could be an easy opportunity for advancement. Spread the word. Let's find Bob a running mate!!

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