Despite many of the things I have against Congresswoman Hahn — and they are many — I support her insistence on voting against more spending for this country's reckless and miscalculated military expenditures overseas. The unending conflict in Afghanistan is bankrupting our nation and scarring our legitimacy both here and abroad.

Yes, Congresswoman Hahn, we need to bring our troops home. Instead of policing the world, the United States Government needs to focus on protecting the rights of the American people, securing our borders, and discharging the outrageous debt that is not just weighing, but crushing us and still impinges inexorably on our future.

Congresswoman, we do not need government to create jobs. We need government to do what the Constitution empowers government to do, nothing more. The American People are already working, and we need you and your peers in Congress to get back to doing as little as possible for us beyond upholding the oath that you took upon taking office.

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