Hasn't everyone gotten the news?

Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda mastermind is dead. The U.S. Navy SEALS found the evil plotter huddled in a compound in Pakistan, across the border from the original target of this nation's manhunt.

Now a month after his capture, kill, and dump into the sea, why is the United States military still stationed in Afghanistan? He wasn't there to begin with, little of Al-Qaeda has been rooted out of the tribal hills and caves.

Finally, members of Congress are responding to this welcome development. A bipartisan initiative in the House of Representative is preparing a bill to get our troops out of Afghanistan.

The measure is long overdue.

Any nation-building attempted by this nation and its paucity of coalition forces has continued to be an abject failure. The current "elected" president, Hamid Karzai, is just as corrupt as the Middle Eastern leaders being turned out of office by an enraged public. The police force of that nation is anemic at best, beset with corruption like every other office of government. And the one stable source of revenue for the chronically-impoverished Central Asian nation: Opium, hardly a legitimate cash crop in the eyes of the countries seeking to help Afghanistan get back on its feet.

We have no further business to attend to in that territory. Unmanned drones can patrol for terrorists just as well, without endangering the lives of our soldiers.

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