Normally, I am not a fan or Mr. Greenberg. His politics are blatantly liberal, so understandably, I found much to find fault with.

Liberals and conservatives usually differ over values or perceptions, anyway. Though both sides would all like people to pursue happy and prosperous lives, Conservatives tend to believe that less government is more beneficial to effecting this outcome, while Liberals champion more government. I respect these differences and so no right or reason to impugn someone's character for differing with my views on current issues.

However, when a cartoonist slanders a political figure, implying that he is racist, imputing him to views that are offensives as well as erroneous, there I draw the line.

Greenberg's recent cartoon suggests that Texas Congressman Ron Paul is a anti-Semitic sympathizer of extreme right views. Greenberg loosely alleges that Congressman Paul has a ideological kinship with Pat Buchanan, an unassailable nationalist who supports tariffs, isolationism, and to some an exacerbation of the culture wars that have dominated our political discourse for the past twenty years.

To suggest that Congressman Paul is a rabid, Jew-baiting isolationist with krypto-fascist tendencies escapes the imagination. What editorials is Mr. Greenberg reading? Paul has never excoriated a "Jewish lobby" in Washington, he has never spoken against minorities, and he does not despise the place of immigrants in our country. Greenberg's cartoon also implies that Ron Paul's opposition to civil rights puts him in opposition to minorities. In fact, some of his libertarian policy suggestions would assist minority groups in this country, who are disproportionately harassed by the failed War on Drugs and harmed by the judicial system.

Dr. Paul's libertarian principles respect all races. His advocacy for free market principles would assist rich, poor, majorities and minorities who are inadvertently harmed by welfare state handouts and warfare state forays. He understands the frustration of the Occupy Movement, yet respects the rights of all to speak their mind in the public square.

Dr. Paul has already discredited the errant rhetoric of marginal views from guest writers in his newsletters over 15 years ago. He has also dismissed outright the crackpot allegations that the CIA or former President George W. Bush had a role in 9-11. Instead, Dr. Paul has captured the imagination and articulated the frustration of the American people, who are tired of Big Government, Big Spending, and Big Encroachments into our daily lives and liberties.

To say the least, Greenberg's View is skewed, and he cannot hide behind his liberal sympathies to justify such overt and unsupportable slander. We are all entitled to our opinion, but to implicate a public figure in such outrageous and outlandish allegations is just reprehensible.

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