Over the past week, Baltimore, Maryland went up in riotous flames over the spurious reports that the police harmed and ultimately killed another black man in custody.

Violence has engulfed the largest city of the Old Line State before.

After the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennis, on hundred twenty-five cities turned into scenes of inner-city violence. Then, a non-violent civil rights leader died at the hands of wily, wicked gunman. The country fell into upheaval.

Today, a black of dubious character, with a prior rap sheet of crime and mental illness, dies in police custody. Racial animus has turned into an excuse for pillaging city streets and rioting throughout urban regions every time a black man is killed in police custody.

The movement of the 1960s to grant more respect and civic participation for African-Americans has become a sophomoric temper tantrum of blame, shame, and victimization, wrapped up in self-righteous destruction of private property and open disrespect of established authority.

MD Governor Larry Hogan (Marrh2)

There is no excuse to break the law in the name of social protest, as Governor Hogan announced in his state of emergency:

This evening, as a result of violence and looting, which has led to the destruction of property and put innocent Marylanders at significant risk, I have declared a state of emergency at the request of Baltimore City. I have not made this decision lightly. The National Guard represents a last resort in order to restore order.

Look, people have the right to protest and express their frustration. But Baltimore City families deserve peace and safety in their communities. And these acts of violence and destruction of property cannot and will not be tolerated. I strongly condemn the acts of those who have engaged in direct attacks against innocent civilians, businesses, and law enforcement officers.

Before Governor Hogan release his executive order for the National Guard to enforce curfews in the city, another Marylander, a Baltimore resident, took matters into her own hands. Toya Graham, a single mother of six, saw her son rioting in the streets, throwing rocks at police cars.

(Maryland National Guard)

Instead of throwing her hands up, she decided to throw her hands around in turn, and repeatedly slapped her son for participating in the violent, disorderly conduct. Forcing the mask of his face, Graham showed no restraint in restraining her son, and more parents needed to follow her example. This raw courage and character, while on full display, were not the driving reason for assaulting her son:

I could see the objects being thrown at the police. And I was in an awe: 'Oh my God! This is really happening right here with me.

Toya Graham slapping son Michael

Even Civil rights veteran and Congressman John Lewis (D-Georgia) has repudiated the attacks on police.

Low and behold, I turn around and I look in this crowd and my son is actually
coming across the street with this hoodie on and a mask. At that point, I just
lost it.

Nothing more, and nothing less, than a mother's instinct took over.

That’s my only son, and at the end of the day, I don’t want him to be a
Freddie Gray.

Her next remarks were stunning and profound:

To stand there and vandalize police cars: that's not justice.

I'm a single Mom, I have six children. . .and I simply choose not to  live like that no more. I don't want that for him.

It's a choice. It's time for parents and community leaders to choose accountability and responsibility.

And it appears that some people in
Baltimore are doing just that.

Toya Graham interviewed by CBS

While the media picked up the destruction and violence, they ignored the outreach of community pastors who marched for peace, then knelt in prayer for an end to the crime. In the aftermath of the Governor's order, residents started picking up the pieces, cleaning up the mess.

Graham's example of Tough Love, however, should be the template for Governor Hogan and his administration. Instead of treating minority miscreants, or the city elements which foment the crisis with kid gloves, the governor, civil authorities, and local leaders need to start slapping some sense into these communities, hold all members accountable for the upbringing and orderly behavior of residents.

Instead of aiding and abetting welfarism, unjust transfers of wealth from rich to poor, or blaming the true victims (property owners and law-abiding residents, especially the few remaining white ones), Marylanders need to embrace conservative, limited government policies which promote individual liberty and responsibility, i.e. Republican programs.

For Governor Hogan, it's time for
tough love of the city of Baltimore and the rest of Maryland. Hogan needs to go
"Toya Graham" and smack down the hypermajority Baltimore City’s Democratic
leadership and bureaucracy which has enabled and aggravated the poverty,
stagnation, and rampant failure in that city.

He has taken clear steps to stop government growth, cutting taxes and spending. Now he needs to implement programs getting Baltimoreans off the dole, off the streets, and on the path to recovery and prosperity. He needs to echo the frustration of Ms. Graham:
I simply choose not to live like that no more.
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