Here are the remarks that I delivered to the Huntington Park City Council on December 20th 2016:

Ho Ho Ho!

Merry Christmas, Huntington Park Criminals!

You’re getting nothing for Christmas, of course, because
you’ve been nothing but bad.
But it’s been Christmas for me, starting November 8th,
when Donald Trump was elected our 45th  President!

But the winning hasn’t stopped.

No way. Jobs are coming back! Americans feel optimistic.
Even though eight years of Barack Obama’s immigration fails have harmed this
country, it won’t last forever. Donald Trump is coming in like a wrecking ball
to demolish whatever is left of his disgusting failure of a Presidency.

And finally, the Americans killed by illegal aliens will see
  • 1.      
    Kate Steinle
  • 2.      
    Tierra Stansberry
  • 3.      
    DeAndre Mitchell
  • 4.      
    Marcello Bisarello
  • 5.      
    Dominic Durden
  • 6.      
    Ruben Morfin

And many others – although one American life taken by an
illegal alien is too many.

Where was their sanctuary? What did the cities in which they
lived do for them?

Instead of appointing two illegal aliens Julian Zatarian and
Francisco Medina, you should have extended to anyone of those family members
the opportunity to serve on this city’s commissions.
Now, Former mayor Karina Macias claimed that the Huntington
Park City Council should hope for the best for the new President—Donald
Trump!—and wish him the best.

Then the council claims that Huntington Park is not a
sanctuary city.

But wait … What is a sanctuary city?

A city which has adopted a policy of protecting illegal
aliens by not prosecuting them for violating federal immigration laws in the
country in which they are now living illegally.

This city council approved the appointment of two illegal
aliens to city commissions.

They have violated federal law, but they have not been
prosecuted. In fact, in a perverse fashion you have celebrated their

If it talks like a sanctuary city, if it walks like a
sanctuary city, guess what? It’s a sanctuary city! Get red for President Trump
to flip the switch and cut your funding! You are already $300 million in debt.
What will you do without the feds’ money?

It makes no difference whether this city has made any
declaration or not. And now  your city
manager and chief of police are complicity in this corporate, racketeering
criminality. I think that the police officer who saved two citizens from a care
set on fire should be made chief of police, and then he should arrest the four
of you for brazen violation of federal law, and have the two illegal aliens

Other than that, I am getting everything I wanted for
Christmas, and so much more!

Merry Christmas to all, God Bless Donald Trump … and YOU’RE
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