Go Todd Go!

Despite the howling of the mainstream media and the GOP establishment, Congressman Todd Akin bravely stood his ground to stay in the race.

We need more politicians like him —  men and women who are not afraid to admit that they made a mistake, but refuse to cower, cut, and run when the going gets tough.

The Mainstream media has once again made itself marginal and further irrelevant to the national conversation.

CBS This Morning actually had the intensely stupid audacity to compare Akin's gaffe to New York Eliot Spitzer and Congressman Anthony Weiner's and Bill Clinton's sexploits.

We have already forgotten Vice President Joe Biden's "chains y'all" comment, and this Scranton by way of Delaware transplant has made one gaffe after another. Biden has further widened the credibility gaffe (or gap) of the Mainstream Media, which insists on going easy on liberals while savaging conservatives. Only former-Democrat-now-Republican Artur Davis has given the proper attention to the gaffe-prone race-mongering of the current administration in Washington.

Akin's comments in no way measure up to the private perversions of these Democrats. As I have written before, Akin made a stupid statement, but the voters are not so stupid as to permit the raving of elites to elicit anything more than a temporal focus on this matter. Missouri, and the rest of the country, are still hurting under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-McCaskill juggernaut of tax, spend, waste, fraud, regulate-frustrate, scare-and-tear economic and political stagnation. ObanaCare and Dodd-Frank are the diadem in these policies of debt and deficit dysfunction, and Senator Claire McCaskill has been in lock-step with this partisan folly. The time has come to hustle her out of Washington once and for all.

Not just the Mainstream Medai, but the GOP Establishment also has made itself more irrelevant by burning their bridges with Todd Akin. He does not need party machine money to win. Just look at Linda McMahon of Connecticut, Richard Mourdock of Indiana and Ted Cruz of Texas — these three were the Tea Party favorites in their respective primaries, and they pulled ahead of the Establishment candidates from double digits  behind to taking the nomination in an outright upset. We need more limited government types like Todd Akin who will also limit the role of national party pandering, the collusion of which has created the bipartisan Beltway back-scratching of pork, perks, hand-picked candidates, and a government packed with lobbyists and pock-marked with debt.

I predict that not only will Todd Akin take the senate seat in November, as he should, but his presence will be a daily slap in the face to the Beltway establishment, both Democrat and Republican. We the voters, not "they" the political machines nor "they" the "mainstream Media", elect the candidates and tell them what needs to be done.

Go Todd Go!

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