George Will outlined three points which Romney needed to make in the debate.

1. Stopped the polls from declaring that he has lost, and that one month before election day.

2. Correct serious misrepresentations of his program on Medicare and tax cuts

3. Make the statement to the conservative majority — do you want the government or the market to allocate resources.

George Will is as erudite as he is effective. He never vapidly compliments anyone, yet his growing respect for Romney suggests that the Massachusetts moderate has found his place in the national spotlight and has ignited a latent following among the base and the independents who have been waiting for the break-out moment of challenger challenging the challenged incumbent.

One month remains until Election Day, one of the most underrated holidays in the United States political and moral culture. 2012 is a watershed year, with the rains of easy money and easier credit giving way to the realities of payback and pay up.

Mitt Romney is the fatherly, mature, and able adult who can tell the American people better than the current president that the American people cannot get what they want.

Still, Romney has not explained how he as President will maintain the same spending for the military and cut taxes and bring down the deficit. This matter requires more scrutiny in order for the Republican candidate to emerge beyond "not Obama".

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