"What a win for our community!"
Yeah, and what about the kids, though?

This Gays Against Groomers movement is all wrong. It's one thing to want to protect children, but it's quite another to make promoting and normalizing your false identity a key part of the movement to protect children.

I wrote about this group before, and how they get a great deal of attention from the so-called conservative media.

Even Tucker Carlson gushed all over Gays Against Groomers a few weeks ago, featuring one of their key spokesmen, who stated that they care about children and want to stop the targeting LGBT abuse of children.

To be fair, they make those declarations on their website:

Any common-sense adult (and child, of course) would oppose these horrific practices.

But the prevalence of these vile behaviors does beg a question: why do we see such a tidal wave of perversion like this in the first place? Why are we subjected to this constant effort to normalize homosexuality, transgenderism, and other paraphilias onto children in the first place?

It all goes back to the normalization of these behaviors among adults. For the last thirty to forty years, homosexual activists, their transgender partners in perversion, and the corporate, globalist, and progressive interests backing them have been pressing for this agenda to capture the minds and hearts of all.

If homosexuality and transgenderism are normal, then why is anyone surprised to see these vile behaviors forcing their way into other public places, like libraries, schools, and businesses?

The goal has always been targeting the children, that is an established fact. But if the behaviors are not in and of themselves wrong, what authority does anyone have to prevent them being pushed on children? This moral and logical turn is lost on so many people. I cannot tell you how many parents I have worked with, or at least tried to work with, who insisted that they were not "anti-gay." They just don't want it pushed on "the children."

Hiding behind the shield of "for the children" needs to be confronted too.

Groups like "Gays Against Groomers" are using children to make themselves look good. They want to maintain the lie that their behaviors are normal, but that it should not spill out onto the children. "Let us do whatever we want to, but let's not push this onto the kids!"

Why are they raising the alarm now? Where were they five or even ten years ago? Some may argue that the prevalence of drag queens reading to children, or explicit sex-ed curricula pushed onto children in classrooms is only happening now. That is not true, however. This rabid LGBT agenda has been targeting children, the schools, and the universities for quite some time.

They are getting involved now because the backlash is growing against the entire LGBT movement, against the whole corrupt, abusive agenda. This whole "Gays Against Groomers" movement is a massive CYA operation. They claim to be going to great lengths to protect children in order to cover up the sordid reality that homosexuality and transgenderism is all but inseparable from child abuse.

Having Gays Against Groomers is illogical and antithetical to reality, like having an inebriated alcoholic smiling for the camera while at the same time telling the audience "Don't drink and drive."

It's like a cancer patient warning people "Don't Smoke," all while smoking at the same time.

It's like heroin addicts telling people to kick the habit, all while shooting up and loving every minute of it.

For proof of this deep confusion, look no further than Lada MAGA, who also goes by the pseudonym "Ryanna Woods":

Who is really pushing conversion therapy?
Hint: It ain’t just evangelicals @againstgrmrs @AntConservativ3 pic.twitter.com/6DhOG4rNXO

— Lady Maga USA (@LadyMagaUSA) August 24, 2022

There is so much to unpack here.

First of all, he has to put on his lip gloss. Really? Why the focus on making himself "look good"? Right away, we can see the video is all about himself, and not the children.

Then he announces the fact that he "is" gay, as though it's as normal as the sun following the moon from day to day. "I went a two-year Mormon trip to France. I thought God would take away my homosexuality. Nope! I'm gay!"

So, there's not just confusion, but a subtle chop at religion, too.

For what it's worth, what I have learned from real reparative therapists and therapeutic choice advocates is that dealing with the underlying emotional and mental health issues which scar an individual and cause them to form unhealthy attachment issues with the same sex. These issues do not get solved via "pray the gay away." The Bible does not teach such sudden changes in anyone, either. People do get saved, they received Jesus as their Savior, and from there they grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord (2 Peter 3:18), and they are transformed from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18)

For people in other faith traditions, they face a longer journey of dealing with the painful undercurrents which harmed them, too. These issues do not get resolved overnight, nor should there be a massive rush to set oneself free, either. Dealing with the aftershocks of abuse, neglect, confusion, and molestation cannot be overcome in just one day, or even in one year, necessarily.

For Ryanna, there is no compunction to investigate why he had the unnatural feelings for the same sex. There is no interest into looking at his childhood or even his adult. Was there any trauma in his life? How did his parents respond when he shared with them his unnatural feelings for the same sex?

Instead of confronting the real problems in his own life, he decides to fight for his "right" to be gay, and then cover for the growing problems with these behaviors by fighting "for the children." He even goes so far as to say that he was not interested in a woman's "breast-icles"(?).

What kind of craziness is all of this? Ryanna is not a serious man. He has not grown up, and he is not dealing with the underlying harms that have caused him such confusion. How is someone with so many issues in a position to help children? He isn't willing to help himself.

Lady MAGA is representative of the larger group of homosexuals (and transgenders) who want to normalize their perversion all while appearing virtuous.

And making a buck or two:

What's wrong with saving the kids as long as you can make some money, right?  There's actually a great deal wrong with this. What exactly are they doing to save kids? Showing up on a nightly talk show or news program does not save lives. This whole mess is about self-promotion, not child protection. The very name gives it away: "Gays Against Groomers." They are talking about themselves first and foremost. If they really cared about the children, they would have settled for "Stop the Grooming" or "Stop LGBT Grooming." Of course, if they went along with that title, they would have to admit that the whole LGBT movement is saturated with grooming, and that is metastisizes because of grooming.

This "Gays Against Groomers" racket is such an immoral exercise in grift, graft, and the normalization of their own perversion. The whole thing just makes me sick, especially because it really is not about the kids. It's about themselves, about promoting themselves and making themselves feel good.

That's the worse part of it, by the way. No doubt, the vast majority of the LGBT activists involved in this Gays Against Groomers craze were groomed and abused themselves. The fact that they want to flaunt their gayness, throw a party celebrating themselves, "their community" as mentioned in the text above

With that, they are getting more air time on Fox News:

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