Hillary Clinton is desperate to show her progressive side. A progressive who gets things done would not allow four diplomats to die in a terrorist attack in Benghazi.

A progressive who gets things done would not embrace the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda harming working-class Americans and hurting legal migrants.

Clinton the serial liar has taken fraud and deceit to epic lows in modern politics. Where's the progress in any of this?

Her latest attempt to curry favor from the left and last the next six months until the nomination?


And her most potent weapon? Gabby Giffords.

Here's Gun-Grabbing Gabby's eblast rallying support for the former Secretary of State:

Friend —

Five years ago this month, a man stood three feet away from me in a grocery store parking lot, aimed a gun at my head, and pulled the trigger. I survived, but he killed six people that day, including a 9-year-old girl.

Speaking is still physically difficult for me. I do hours and hours of speech therapy. But next January, I hope to call my friend Hillary 'Madam President.'

Madam President. I think "Madam" is more accurate.

Yes, "Madam" Clinton sounds pretty accurate

Mark and I are proud to have Hillary’s back, and to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her to break the stranglehold the corporate gun lobby has had on American politics —  and American families — for too long. If you’re with us, add your name right now, and let’s show the gun lobby that we’re ready for this fight:

Giffords loves to talk about gun control, She should talk about the high rate of concealed carry which leads to a low and lowering rate of crime in communities.

She should also watch her words.

Clinton in many ways is already a "Madam". She routinely enabled her serial philandering husband Bill Clinton. She hushed up or shut down her husband's accusers.

Hillary Clinton has also racked up (no pun intended) the prostitution lobby in Las Vegas. She has sold herself to every Big Government, Big Business, and Big Labor interests out there.

She will do what she is told, and turn out every trick to win a vote.

Yes, former Congresswoman Giffords is right to Hillary Clinton "Madam".

Her only mistake is that she can call her "Madam" right now. Like many madams, Hillary will be heading for a jail cell very soon.

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