I want to thank you for inviting me to the Zoom meeting discussion last Thursday.

I was tired that night, so I signed out of the meeting about halfway through.


A couple observations:

  1. Time management is key! Allowing people to introduce themselves for any amount of time just sucks up all the energy in the room. People should get ten seconds to introduce themselves, TOPS! It can be: "Say your name. Say your organization." That's all.
  2. Getting a group of leaders for different activist organizations is a losing strategy. Everyone has different interests that they are focusing on, and inevitably, people are going to be pulled more towards fighting their core issues. Also, getting lots of people together in a Zoom call to talk about how everything is falling apart in the state is not going to get anything done. It never does. It's better to focus on accomplishing key outcomes in your local area.
  3. I know that many of you have said: "I'm tired of losing." Here's the thing when it comes to this 2021 recall: we did not lose. The voters of the state of California who kept Newsom in power, they are the losers. We have done our part as much as we could, and yet there is such a brainwashed cult in this state. It's not our fault. It's their fault. We need to adjust our attitude about all of this. It's not our fault, and we are not the losers. Simple as that.
  4. I do believe that voter fraud plays a role in every election. I believe that it was voter fraud that took the seven house seats away from Republicans in California in 2018. However, when it comes to the recall in 2021, voter fraud is not enough to explain the why disparity of voters who actually decided to let Gavin keep his job. There were even Republicans who voted NO on the recall because it was so close to the 2022 election! SAD, but true. The fact is that this state is filled with voters who are in bondage to the Cult of Progressive Woke Nonsense.
  5. I have become more disenchanted with political party politics in general. The only way that voters will be mobilized and effective is if everyone focuses on issues. Parents in the South Bay section of Los Angeles County are rallying quite effectively against mask and vaccine mandates by focusing on those issues, not getting into party politics, who voted for whom for President, Governor, etc. MassResistance has been making the difference because we focus on fighting LGBT perversion. That's my two cents.


I must say that in spite of this dreaded failure with the recall, I am now more optimistic than ever. I have stopped beating my head against a wall when it comes to trying to achieve electoral outcomes. Sadly, we are at a point where elections are not enough. People need to engage in targeted, effective MASSRESISTANCE, i.e. civil disobedience. Gandhi didn't force out the British Empire through the vote. MLK did not end segregation in the South via the vote.



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