This Labor Day has given laborers more to celebrate.
Under President Trump’s leadership, the economy is roaring into 3% growth, higher than previous analysts had predicted. Jobs are growing tremendously in all sectors, with at least 225,000 jobs added in the last quarter and 1 million jobs over all. President Trump has repealed over 860 job-crushing regulations which had stalled economic freedom and innovation. Trump’s energy, trade, and immigration policies have ensured more American jobs in the United States for working families, long ignored and forgotten by the previous administration.
As for labor unions, their power and influence has waned drastically, all because of their rigid adherence to anti-economic policies which have harmed the very workers they claim to represent.
Forced unionism has waned to its lowest ebb yet, as workers find that not joining a union works for them. The Fight for $15 minimum wage hike has turned into the flight of jobs, businesses, and economic growth in many cities and states where labor unions have agitated for its implementation. Public sector union demands for higher wages and better benefits for the same work have enraged already over-burdened tax payers and forced municipalities to slash pensions or declare bankruptcy outright. Forced unionism has even hurt workers’ children, as they still receive a poor education without accountability in schools where unions, not parents or students, have the final say.

This Labor Day, let’s hope that more workers will demand fairness and equity from their unions, including the right not to join a union in order to get a job, or to submit to the perverse policy of watching their union dues fund candidates and causes harmful to the workers’ own best interests.

Arthur Christopher Schaper
President, Beach Cities Republicans

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