Fox News did not mince words about the illegal status of the arsonist-murderer:

Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was
initially arrested in 2012 for crossing the southeastern California border
illegally, the Los Angeles Times reported. Authorities said they released him
because he had no criminal history or previous immigration violations at the

He was arrested again in January on suspicion of domestic
violence and twice in the ensuing months on suspicion of drug possession,
officials said.

After he crossed the border, authorities reportedly placed
him under supervision and ordered Sanchez to report to them regularly — but he
stopped doing so in 2014, the Times adds.

ICE failed to their job. The Immigration Control and Enforcement agency has so much to answer for, including the lives of those five homeless Angelenos killed in the fire.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement never started the
process of deporting him, spokeswoman Virginia Kice said, adding that the
reason why was unclear. She told the newspaper it's ICE policy “to focus on
individuals who pose a public safety threat.”

Once again, every illegal who breaks into this country poses a threat to public safety, precisely because they flout federal law, and even dismiss our borders!

The fire on Monday killed five homeless people. Four of the
badly burned bodies weren't found until Tuesday afternoon, when search dogs
located them under a heap of debris on the second floor.

Let that image haunt your imagination. Four bodies charred to blackened death. Nothing else. 

Sanchez was in some kind of fight with the others and lit
the fire with the intent to kill, Los Angeles Police Capt. Billy Hayes said.

Illegal immigration, homelessness, joblessness, all of this destruction is destroying our cities.

The suspect was charged Wednesday with five capital murder
counts and was ordered held without bail.

The charges against Sanchez, who's also homeless, make him
eligible for the death penalty if he's convicted, if prosecutors choose to
pursue it.

It took nearly 150 firefighters more than two hours to
extinguish the fire in the green, two-story building that once was home to an
acupuncture clinic. It is surrounded by strip malls and an apartment building
in the Westlake District about a mile west of downtown LA.

Johnny  Sanchez of the Westlake fire

The structure appeared to be singed and some of its windows
were blown out. It did not appear seriously damaged from the outside, but the
inside was badly burned and most of the roof was gone.

There had been complaints about the building recently,
Terrazas said, and authorities had contacted the owner — who has sought a
demolition permit for the building — about keeping people out.


Look at the above picture of Sanchez.

He has tattoos on his back.

He has a neatly-shaved haircut.

He was even wearing an earring.

For a guy who was homeless, he seemed to be pretty well-off.

Other questions come up.

Why did the city stall on a demolition permit?

Why has the homelessness situation gone from bad to worse in Los Angeles?

Why did ICE refuse to deport the criminal alien in the first place?

How much more of this nonsense are people going to tolerate in Los Angeles and throughout the state of California?!

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