What has earned her so much hatred from the left? Simply put, Seader wants to end the Citrus County school system's "transgender policy," which allows and encourages students to identify as the opposite sex, cross-dress, and demand to be addressed by their "preferred pronouns."
At a recent Citrus County Commission meeting, Marion Hansen, a local pro-abortion, pro-Biden LGBT activist, slandered Seader by accusing her of wanting to "ban our kids unless they are living up to her standards." By doing so, Hansen used a favorite tactic of groomers – casting those who oppose LGBT grooming of children as somehow attacking children by not being "inclusive."
Seader rejected Hansen's false and malicious accusation.
"I never said anything about banning kids; I was just saying schools are not the place for boys to dress up as girls," Seader told the Citrus Crusader when asked for comment. "I don't care what adults do, but these are children. The child would not know to do that if some adult wasn't putting that in his head, I don't care what they say!"
Seader said the left is normalizing "what was considered a mental health issue" by turning public schools into transgender madhouses, adding that in some places, schoolchildren who don't agree with transgenderism are being labeled "transphobic."
"Just because many of us don't believe children who attend public schools should be force-fed sex messages does not make us haters. It makes us lovers of childhood innocence!" Seader said. "In the name of anti-bullying, the LGBT [activists] are becoming the real bullies. If we don't believe them, we are called haters, Hitlers, homophobes. Maybe they have Christ-a-phobia!"
At the commission meeting, Hansen also insinuated that Seader lacks an education. Seader, who attended Southeastern Bible College after graduating from high school in Palm Beach County, called the charge "laughable."
Hansen was followed at the microphone by the crossdressing "Rhonda Santis," who has been identified as Tony Ayo of Beverly Hills. Ayo, looking ridiculous in a wig and glittery blouse, took a break from attacking Seader by complaining about US 19 road widening delays.