I received a tip from a parent in South Orange County, California about two Spanish teachers who allowed students to beat on a Trump pinata. She had contacted me previously because she wanted to show me what her kids were actually learning the English classes at the high school, much of it having nothing to do with English or Language Arts, and much of it focused on social justice warrior nonsense and Democratic, progressive leftist talking points.

The parent's daughter had the video, and she taped it for me so that I could download it to YouTube. I asked a number of news sources to pick up the video and share it, then report on it.
One news team was ready to write about it and contact the school, but the original recorder of the event, a student in the Spanish class, declined to give the news outlet permission to use the video because the student liked the teachers.
No matter who students may have felt about it, there is no excuse for teachers going to such abusive lengths to foster disrespect of our President, especially in a public school. Can anyone imagine the outrage which would have occurred if students and teacher had permitted a party with a Barack Obama pinata? The blowback would have reached all across the country.
The double-standard is strong in public education, dominated by liberals who hate President Trump with a deranged passion, who have neither regard nor honor for the office or the best interests of the students.
Two reports actually picked up this video.
First, from CBS LA:
Here's the report from Yahoo News, taking off from the above CBS Report:
A California school district has launched an inquiry into footage that
showed students and staff members at an Orange County high school hitting a
piñata designed to look like President Trump, CBS Los Angeles reports.
Footage of the incident — which took place at Laguna Hills High School,
in the Saddleback Valley School District — went viral after being leaked on
YouTube. According to the YouTube posting, the “piñata party” took place during
a Spanish class, though that has not been confirmed.

The names of the two Spanish teachers involved in this horrendous stunt are Caroline Aldemir and Mariela Jabali.
The incident has spurred online outrage from conservatives and some
parents, which in turn prompted the school district to investigate further.
Though officials declined to name those involved or detail potential
repercussions, they did say the district didn’t “condone” what happened.

“This activity was not condoned, or approved, by the district, nor
Laguna Hills High School,” said district spokesperson Mark Perez. “Personnel
matters are confidential, and therefore, it is our policy to not comment on
situations involving employees.”
Final Reflection

This is how we fight the culture wars. We have a free and independent media with citizens all over the country reporting and making viral the abusive thoughts and behaviors of left-wing ideologies and their paid protester agitators. The fact that these abuses occur on public school campuses, paid with taxpayer dollars, is a massive shame which must be confronted at every step.
Contact Laguna Hills High School and the Saddleback Unified School District. Demand that they fire the teachers involved in this shameful pinata party stunt:

Laguna Hills High School: (949) 770-5447 ext. 234131

Saddleback Unified School District: (949) 586-1234

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