
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and had a lot to be thankful for. I want to thank you for your support of all our projects over the years.

I just wanted to let you know about our FERGUSON Cyber Monday deal. Everyone who has seen the FERGUSON play or read the script has said it had an amazing effect on them. So we have reduced the price of the script on Cyber Monday. You can get a digital copy or a copy signed by me. It is the perfect gift for someone you love who values the truth.

Remember, the FERGUSON script is based entirely on the Grand Jury testimonies given by actual eyewitnesses. That is why the play and the voices within it are so powerful. Everyone who saw it or who read the script was blown away by the power of truthful voices unfiltered by activists of the fake news media.

The National Review said it was "spellbinding." The Washington Examiner said it was  "riveting, emotional and compelling."

Alan Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty, said FERGUSON is "truth over opinion, truth over fiction…overwhelming and very very powerful."

We have reduced all the prices of the scripts for Cyber Monday. Your purchase will bring the gift of the truth to a country that needs it now more than ever. It will also help pay the bills for the FERGUSON New York production.

So please go to FergusonThePlay.com and take advantage of our offers. Give the gift of truth this year.

I appreciate all your help.

Thank You,

P.S. – One of the most amazing reactions to the FERGUSON play was this Black Lives Matter supporter. See how the play changed her mind on the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" myth and how that made her question everything she believed. That is why I wrote FERGUSON and why I think it is a perfect gift.

FERGUSON Script Cyber Monday Sale
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