The state of Arizona has plenty of reasons to be upset with the federal government.

The Obama Administration has done an abysmal job of protecting the borders of the country. Every year, the largest number of illegal immigrants comes through the Arizona border.

When Arizona pushed a controversial law to pressure law enforcement to check the status individuals in the country, the President filed a federal lawsuit to block the legislation. What will the chief executive of the United States permit, then, if he will not allow the Sunshine state to protect its own borders and enforce the federal immigration laws which Obama has neglected?

On the Arizona tarmac, Brewer shared some tense words, pointing out her frustration literally and figuratively with the President. Apparently, he was upset with the Arizona governor's open candor in her recent book "Scorpions for Breakfast". While defending the Arizona immigration law, she chided the President for lecturing her like a child during one of their summits together at the White House. Of course, President Obama's vanity is well known, his elitism produced by his abject adherence to progressivism. A philosophy of government which disdains checks and balances while trumpeting the wisdom of the experts over the well-being of the individual, Obama has pushed regulation, legislation, mandates all to bear down on the states and the people.

Finally, a governor has had the courage to defend the power of the people in her state and talk back to the chief executive. Federalism is at work in Arizona, where a cordial yet committed governor demands responsible action from the government. When Washington fails to deliver, she took up the need of her state and constituents, refusing to hold back her dismay and disdain for the President's aloof arrogance.

We need more leaders in the United States like Governor Brewer, unafraid and unprecedented.

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