The Net Neutrality Rules have been repealed by the FCC.

The media will point out that party-line vote which shut down the government overreach which promised fairness, yet would have ended up creating massively more unfairness.

Big Business loves more regulations, of course, because they can hire more lawyers and purchase politicians to throw things their way.

But every individual citizen and small business owner should rejoice that the FCC repealed the net neutrality nonsense pushed by President Barack Obama and legion of progressive trolls.

Of course, the AP had to throw their uneducated bias into the mix when reporting on the decision:

BREAKING: The FCC votes on party lines to undo sweeping Obama-era `net neutrality' rules that guaranteed equal access to internet.

— The Associated Press (@AP) December 14, 2017

When will they learn?

We are not going to be lectured to or  intimidated by a decaying, declining media. They embrace left-wing talking points and liberal agendas, and the widespread readership in this country knows full well not to trust what they have to report.

The brazen editorializing in the tweet above says it all

"Rules that guaranteed access"? As if!

Let FCC Chairman Ajit Pai explain what net neutrality would have really done, and why we should be glad that it's gone:

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