Faith in Chirst in us overcomes all obstacles. We are more than conquerors through Him (Romans 8: 37)

Caleb, one of the two True Spies in Numbers 14, is a type and shadow of the Messiah, along with his fellow spy Joshua. In Hebrew, "Caleb" means  "whole hearted", or "faithful".

Caleb knew who he was, and he also knew Who was with him — and Caleb took God at His word!

I also learned from Sun-Tzu's "Art of War":

"Know yourself, know your enemy, and you can never lose a battle."

When "victims" realize that the bullies in their lives are more afraid, thenthey stand on a resolve to dissolve or ignore the threats that may menace them.

From my own experience, the moment I stood up to somoone, I had the upper hand. I could ignore stupid comments or get help, knowing that such people could never hurt me again.

When you know who you are, nothing can stop you:

"Herein is our love
made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he
is, so are we in this world." (1 John 4: 17)

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