The title shouldn't surprise anyone.

My use of Facebook has hit ZERO since they banned me for no good reason, and banned me for good.

The social media site routinely bans users from posting information, and puts users into Facebook jail 30 days at a time. That alone will explain why viewer traffic is in such steady decline.

People really should start calling it Fascist-Book, and everyone needs to unplug and throw the site away.

It was less than a month ago that I wrote about a trend that should be
very worrying for Facebook. Namely, that users were spending less time on the
platform. According to Nielsen numbers through November of last year,
interpreted by Pivotal, the social network lost about 4% in aggregated time

It's going to crash even more, since Zuckerberg is more interested in indoctrination and controlling what people think rather than letting men and women share their thoughts and express freedom of speech as they see fit.
This is a shameful development, and I really do believe that the federal government has a right to regulate these widespread sites, since they are now publicly traded commodities. Besides, these platforms have such public use. They have no further right to infringe on First Amendment rights.
Now new numbers have been released that go through December, and the
problem only seems to be getting worse. The updated data shows that Facebook’s
core platform lost 18% in time spent, which is a huge change from the month
before. This, says Pivotal, reflects a 24% decline in time spent per person.”
Instagram, too, saw some poor engagement numbers. Though aggregated consumption
went up, the user base went up at a higher clip, meaning that time per person
went down 9%.

Lower usage, less advertisement revenue, less money altogether.
Overall, this shows a mounting problem for Facebook: People are just
engaging less with it. Algorithm changes may have something to do with it, and
Zuckerberg even told shareholders to expect such a change. But these numbers
could also indicate that people are becoming more fatigued by the platform.

Of course people are engaging with Facebook less. The platform engineers are so busy silencing everyone. No wants to use a platform for expression which does not allow users to … express!
If this trend continues, we may be seeing a shift in the
Facebook-Google duopoly. The question is: Who will take Facebook’s place?

Another report suggests that it's only going to get worse for social media sites like Facebook:
Even Millennials are getting sick of Instagram.

More than half of users between the ages of 18 and 24 revealed they are
“seeking relief from social media,” according to a survey.

That issue of "relief" so resonates with me. I am glad to be gone from Facebook, even though they shoved me out unfairly.
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It was a massive time-suck, and it bordered on abuse what i was contending with from people all over the country, even all over the world. I would get text messages, spam, repeated posts, etc. It was just too much. At least three to four hours of my day would vanish because of relentless social media, especially on Facebook. Not only that, but internecine conflicts and dramas were building from bad to worse. It's appalling to me how many people I know who were taking their personal grievances public and attacking friends and fellow activists. Such behavior is so unbecoming, and yet the temptation to rant on social media has proven to great.
Getting rid of major social media sites ensured that I had one less avenue for people to invade my time and space with all the drama and inessential animosities.
The poll, taken in December, found that 34 percent of young users
reported having deleted social-media accounts entirely. Forty-one percent of
respondents said they waste too much time on social media, and 35 percent
agreed that people their age are too distracted by their online lives.

Bingo! People want to pull the plug.
It's time for Facebook to faceplant. Their abusive disregard for First Amendments is particularly damning. They don't deserve to make money off time and resources taken from American and international users. 

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