For the past five months, I have worked with a citizen activist group
called We the People Rising.
This coalitions of freedom-loving conservatives, fed up with elected officials
not doing their job, has put all politicians – Republican, Democrat, or
anything else – on alert regarding immigration and enforcement of the rule of
law. For decades, Americans have waited for their federal government to protect
this country. Secure borders and immigration enforcement have remained wanting
despite the promises of politicians on both sides of the aisle.
Instead of pouting, We the People Rising started shouting. Instead
of sitting at him and gossiping, men and women throughout Southern California
are getting up and getting in elected officials’ faces.  Theirs is the bold example which more
Americans need to follow. Instead of just complaining about the undoing of our
society, the Left-wing onslaughts on our homes and communities, more concerned
citizens, more conservatives need to do something about it.
Social media matters, granted, but sharing information with
everyone we know, and those who already know what is going on, is not enough. Facebook
can unite otherwise distant (and even fractious) causes to work together for
the greater conservative good. Recently, however, I have noticed that some
conservatives rely on their social media as a replacement for activism. How
will minorities in heavily Democratic districts learn about Republican values
and conservatives principles, unless someone goes and tells them? The connection
does not end with Facebook posts, or joining online chats, but going places and
speaking to people whom you do not know.

So, where are the fighters? Where are the concerned citizens
clashing with the business-as-usual statist status quo? Founding Father Thomas
Paine blasted this come-and-go
“sunshine patriotism”. Some American
colonists who would run when the going got tough. Sitting at home on the
computer is not running away from the fight, but it’s not running into the heat
of battle, either. Whether we like it or not, the war for liberty, for
restoration of our rights and the rule of law, is long and hard, and there will
be hiccups and setbacks along the way.
Today, whether in California or Texas, we
do not need sunshine patriots. We flashlight, sunlight, and even moonlight fighters
to confront city leaders and state elected officials; men and women of
conviction and conscience, not compromise and cowardice, to stand and stick out
the long haul.
Sadly, my colleagues have not only faced
recalcitrant representatives, but reluctant partisans. They love to blog, post,
and complain online. Are they registering new voters? Campaigning in local
elections? Do they contact their councilmembers and school board members to
utter their complaints and demand a change in leadership? Party leaders and organizers
face the same hardships which I have met and which We the People Rising are
trying to overcome.
Let’s state the facts bluntly: too many people want to be Facebook
conservatives, but we need more face-to-face conservatives. Liberty leads to security
and prosperity. These outcomes need to stand out in the middle of the street,
not just on the computer screen or the Twitter feed. Individuals will not honor
your cause for liberty unless they see you and me putting our liberty to their
service. Are you reaching out to the poor and infirm in your communities? Are
you organizing to raise money and win elections? Do you hold your elected
officials accountable when they do wrong? How about praising them when they do
85% of life is showing up, I told one city council in the Los Angeles
Area. We need more people to step up and get face-to-face with residents, with
communities, and government bodies. I admit that for years, I never said or did
anything about my city or school board. I was not paying attention. II did not
heed the complimentary advice of 
"The most important political office is that of the
private citizen."

Even though the status of citizen commands more power than ever, and
even though our Constitution states "We the People”, too many people do
not take responsibility for their government. They are not exposing bad
decisions, they are not calling for better representation. Voters must
understand that good governance requires more than consistent voting. Activism
is too serious a business for entitled college students, welfare recipients,
and labor unions.
Pressure should mount
from all directions against elected officials who do not uphold and defend the
United States Constitution. There is  no
better pressure than getting in someone’s face and demanding “Why did you do
that?” or “When will you take care of this?”
Confrontation, not accommodation,
is key. The farmers on the fields of Lexington and Concord did not write
letters to one another or prattle in local taverns. They stood their ground on
the battleground and fired “The Shot Heard Round the World.”

Today, the same
principles hold true. Facebook is not enough, and Twitter will only tweet so
much. If you want to make a difference, you need to face the challenges, face
off against the adversaries, and make them face the music when they do not vote
your way. 
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