Evangelical Christians have attempted to alter the political landscape in the United States for a number of years.

From the Christian Coalition of the 1980s, followed by televangelist Pat Robertson's abortive run for President in 1988, to the weak presidential forays by "Reverends" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, religious adherents' role in the political process has yielded mixed results.

Even the "compassionate conservatism" of George W. Bush created more government, more intervention, and more corruption.

Believers in this country are starting to learn that if they want to change the direction of the nation, they need to focus on turning the hearts of individuals. We are the salt of the earth, Jesus preached on the Sermon on the Mount. Yet if the salt loses its savor, what good is it?

Government will merely reflect the prevalent values in the culture. As individuals become desensitized to issues such as abortion, the integrity of marriage, and the role of the public school in preparing a child for adulthood, individual believers and churches ultimately have only themselves to blame if they decry the slow decay sweeping over the country.

Instead of telling which party a person should vote for, individual believers need to press their neighbors or anyone else they meet as to which side of eternity they will find themselves in. It makes no difference if one's political party rises to power if a man's soul is not saved and he is still dead in his trespasses.

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