Neworth's empty blatherskite of " anti-woman GOP ", indicts the many because of the statements of a few.

Missouri US Senate candidate Todd Akin should have said "forcible" rape, since statutory rape is consensual. For the record, I do not agree with limiting abortion to only the life of the mother. A rape victim or the victim of incest should not be forced to carry the child to term. However, even liberal talk-show hostess Joy Behar commented that abortion is a terrible thing, so we should seek to preserve life. Akin made that same point.

As for Richard Mourdock, I cannot believe that any self-respecting columnist insists on repeating the lie that Mourdock actually stated that "rape is God's will." Not at all. Rape is evil, but a baby is not. Children conceived in rape grow up to do great things, like pastor James Robison. Mourdock did not convey this point well. Neworth is repeating a shameful falsehood. Neworth makes the great wrong.

There is another rape which must be reported: the rape of the truth by a "vain-scream" media which marginalizes men and women who believe that life begins at conception (a view supported not by religious sentiment alone, but by genetics, anatomy, and physiology).

As for the "pro-woman/pro-choice" Democratic Party, they support abortion "at any time on the taxpayer's dime," which most voters reject. Democratic policies kill jobs, thus Democrats deny women the choice of economic opportunity. Democrats also prevent women from choosing where they go to school.

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