This sign is actually broadcast in Downtown Los Angeles right now:

This is treason in itself.

Donald Trump is our President. Even my state senator Ben Allen had to admit it. No one can run away from the truth.

Now she wants to launch sedition against the White House? Sorry, but last time I checked, the state of California is still very much part of the United States of America. The lawlessness of corrupt Democrats must cease, and they need to respect our President or leave the country.

This Maria Durazo Labor puppet wants to push everyone around, now, and she wants a seat at the state senate table. We can do better than this, everyone. We must stand up to this abusive bully and make it very clear: Respect our President!

Labor heavyweight Maria Elena Durazo will run for Kevin deLeón’s state Senate seat
Maria Elena Durazo, who served for years as the leader of
the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor before stepping down in 2014, said
Thursday she will make the jump into electoral politics and run for state
Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León's seat representing parts of Los Angeles
when he is termed out in 2018.

She was waiting her turn, just like everyone else. De Leon is termed out, but we know that she was plotting for this seat for at least 8 years.
Durazo was widely considered one of the most powerful
figures in Los Angeles politics when she gave up her labor post to become a
vice president of Unite Here, a union representing hospitality workers in the
United States and Canada.

"Unite Here" may become disunited everywhere once the Supreme Court strikes down agency feeds in Janus vs. AFSCME. Labor abuses must come to an end. If labor unions are doing the right thing for their workers, then why do they force people to join and/or pay union dues?
The county labor federation reached new heights of power
during Durazo's tenure, helping elect a bevy of labor-friendly candidates to
the Los Angeles City Council and the county Board of Supervisors. She also
scored numerous legislative wins, including a minimum wage law requiring some large
Los Angeles hotels to pay workers at least $15.37 an hour.

More unemployment, higher taxes, declining quality of life, mass immigration (legal and illegal(: someone tell me how any of this is good for Los Angeles County. We are witnessing the slow and discouraging decline of the County of Los Angeles.
But Durazo, who has served as a vice chairwoman of the
Democratic National Committee since 2013, had never before displayed a desire
to run for public office, opting instead for a behind-the-scenes role.

Why has she changed her mind? She wants more money!
"It was not a long time coming — in fact, I've always
felt very strong about not doing that," she told The Times on Thursday.
"At times people urged me or suggested it, but I always felt it wasn't the
place for me."
She credits the election of President Trump with changing
her mind. 

Oh brother! She wants to blame President Trump for everything. I say more people should be THANKING Donald Trump for all the great work he is doing for the country.
"I think things are changing in this country; obviously
the Trump administration is doing things I consider very bad," she said.
"I just never imagined him getting elected and pushing for these
Durazo is the first candidate to announce a campaign to
represent the 24th State Senate District, which De León, a fellow Democrat,
first won in 2010. The diverse district stretches from East Los Angeles through
Boyle Heights, part of downtown Los Angeles, Highland Park, Mount Washington
and Eagle Rock, into Silver Lake and Echo Park. Chinatown, Koreatown, Little
Armenia and Thai Town also fall within the district. 
Nearly 60% of voters in the district are Democrats, and 27%
are registered as having no party preference. Just 8.9% are Republicans.

We need more Republicans in this district, and we need more Republicans explaining to the Democratic voters that the labor unions have turned into regressive leftist puppets which care more about getting rich off working people, than helping working people get rich.
Durazo said she will highlight her accomplishments during
her time with the labor movement but also take into account the viewpoints of
business interests. 

LOL! Right, like pushing entry-level workers out of their careers. Sure. That is going to resonate.

Free healthcare? No such creature. Everything costs something. Do they really think that they can continue to pull the wool over people's eyes? The whole universal healthcare scam is falling apart in other countries. Canada's single payer program is a total failure, with black market private health care clinics operating all over that country.

Then there are the Canadians who go to the United States, and now we have American citizens going to Mexico seeking better health care, including right to try as well as other methods with lower costs.

"I've invested practically my whole life in Los Angeles
and California to change the environment, to make it a positive environment for
progressive policies and at the same time not be too crazy — and take in
business needs," she said.  

Business needs the government to get out of the way. Progressive politicians are making the government bigger, which is making businesses and their profits much smaller.
Though she is making her first run for public office, Durazo
said her years listening to workers and organizing them will help her as she builds
a coalition in the district.

She needs to put out to pasture. She has no business being in politics. We need to see the labor unions broken down and respecting the interests of individuals, especially the workers.
"I don't pretend to know everything; I don't pretend to
be the great savior," she said. "I do think I come with experience,
with helping people help themselves."

Final Reflection

The fight is ending for the regressive left, even in California. I don't care how vocal or abusive these labor leaders become. The President is in charge, and all the talk about disobeying President Trump is not going to work.

California cannot secede, because as a country they have a final crisis far worse than Venezuela. What kind of money will the state of California create apart from the United States?

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