Now this is desperation at its worst.

Tax cuts are not just a success for the Republican majorities in Congress, but their bill will bring further tax relief by repealing the individual mandate in Obamacare. People have been pushed out of the insurance market because of the high costs, and forcing people to by a product which they did not want only made matters worse.

Instead of joining with the tax cuts, US Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio denounces tax cuts for working families.

What is he thinking? Does he want to have a genuine chance of getting re-elected in the Rust Belt? If he really cared about working Ohioans, he would have readily jumped in with everything he had to help pass the tax reforms.

I kid you not: he is trying to fundraise in opposition to Middle Class tax cuts!

Late last night, Republicans forced their tax plan through the Senate.

And in the cold light of day, Ohio families have to deal with the consequences.
Don't let anyone fool you — this tax plan is a travesty. It raises taxes on the middle class and lowers rates for the rich. It repeals critical parts of the Affordable Care Act and gives corporations brand new tax breaks.

If nothing else, this defeat shows us how important elections are. We can't afford to slip up. We can't afford to let our guard down.

We have to win in 2018. I need your help Arthur Christopher.
Our final FEC deadline before the Election Year is coming up in less than two weeks. We cannot miss our $200,000 goal. If you can, rush in a contribution.

This tax scam isn't done yet. I will fight like hell to protect hard working families.
I hope I can count on you.

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