Jeffersonian Democracy is an individual matter.

Individuals, all endowed with natural rights from one creator assemble, draw up a charter of government, which respects the human rights of all.

Islamist groups do not respect the rights and integrity of others.

They do not care about caring for the needs of minority communities, including the Coptic Christians, who historically have been in the nation longer than the Muslims.

Parliamentary elections will not secure stable and rational government. A free society must safeguard the rights of all before the people can vote on who their next rulers will be.

Egyptians are one more nation of people who look to government to solve everything, then denigrate government for failing to provide basic services and enabling massive corruption.

The "Remnants" of the Mubarak government are resurfacing. The Muslim Brotherhood has already coalesced power. The Coptic Christians have no one in power who will speak for them. Police power is out of control. The Military does not respect anyone but its own might, and the people have no demonstrated at length against their forceful hegemony.

A civil war may be inevitable, and it may be the saving grace which cleanses the Egyptian government once and for all of top-down hierarchical hatred and folly.

As of now, the push for elections looks like one more push for violence and slaughter, certain to descend on Tahrir Square and throughout the Middle East.

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