Travis Allen is the best man for Governor in the 2018 race to replace Governor Moonbeam.

John Cox is too liberal, with a record that shows more political expediency than courage.

It is essential that we have real leadership in California, a state where political courage is as rare as water in Death Valley.

Check out his latest eblast regarding the state of the race going forward:




Richard Baris at Big Data Poll — recognized as the "most accurate pollster of 2016" — just released a new poll showing me as the leading Republicanin the race for Governor of California.

The poll also shows me in a virtual tie for second place, and I need your help to ensure Republicans 1) have a candidate in the November election, and 2) have a candidate who can WIN the November election.

Will you chip in $10, $25, $50 or even more right now to help boost me solidly into the top two?

John Cox has run for office and failed FOUR TIMES! We can't afford to let him fail again — not with so much on the line.

I'm the only Republican in the race for Governor who has not only proven he can win elections, but can win in California.

As Richard Baris states in the poll results: "With the level of enthusiasm among his voters as high as it is, Travis Allen would surpass Antonio Villaraigosa if Republicans coalesced behind him."

I need your help winning the California Republican Party endorsement and unifying all Republicans around this campaign if we're going to have any chance of winning this election and saving California.

Republicans will meet in San Diego this weekend to vote on an endorsement, absentee voting begins next week, and Election Day is just over a month away.

NOW is the time to act, Arthur — are you with me?!

Please chip in $10, $25, $50 or whatever you can to help me win this race and take back California!


Assemblyman Travis Allen

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