Coulter had every right to berate the state of Virginia
, then analyze what turned
the Old Dominion a deeper shade of blue. Breitbart published an article about the
Democratic scheme to turn Virginia blue, which had already happened in
California. The biggest reason that these once ruby-red bastions have turned
Democratic is illegal immigration. Still, I think Virginia has a chance to come
back to the red-state fold. After all, the voters threw out House Majority Leader
Eric Cantor in an unparalleled primary vote in 2014. The intense media coverage
of all the illegal alien minors swarming along the southern border exposed to
everybody that all the talk about amnesty and pathways to citizenship for young
illegals was inducing more illegals to come to the border.
Ann Coulter blames immigration solely for the
sad election results for Virginia's election. I believe that Barack Obama’s
eight years of despotic anti-constitutional statism expanded the federal
bureaucracies and further entrenched the power of the deep state. Those bureaucrats
have now overwhelmed Northern Virginia, and as goes NoVA so goes the rest of
the state. My response to that is that many of the Republican Red State
conservative voters throughout the state were not turned on or excited about
the Republican nominee, either. Virginia-based activists told me that they were
more geared up against Ralph than supporting Ed Gillespie.
Does the Virginia blue wave that mean that an Election
2018 Democratic wave will stymie President Trump by taking over the House and
the US Senate? Well, it depends. The truth is Democrats are giving more
Republican voters a reason to turn out in larger numbers, and the Democrats are
giving their own base more reasons not to turn out. The Democratic Party is not
only losing money through there once reliable funding source in the labor
unions, but we can be assured that by the end of the Supreme Court term in June
2018, their coerced dues through forced membership in labor unions is going to
be struck down once and for all. So that's going to be more money that labor
unions lose, which means less money for Democratic candidates and causes. The
key test for this projected outcome will be Missouri, in which enraged labor
union activists collected enough signatures for a referendum next year to block
the implementation of the right-to-work policy, which passed in February of
this year.
Other major institutions which have propped up
the Left and funded the Democratic Party are facing total collapse. Hollywood
had one of its worst years in modern entertainment history. The projected
revenue will fall well below box office receipts in 2002. And
has more scandals emerge exposing the corrupt perverse behavior of the
Hollywood elites, more people are going to be staying away from the movie
theaters, and going to YouTube to watch videos from conservative and liberty-minded
activists and entertainers.
people are going to be learning about constitutional rule limited government
and individual liberty. Not only that but we see also with the press and
television, that the me to scandals which have been golf Hollywood producers are
also taking down major press agents, cultural Guardians so to speak who
continue to promote liberal ideologies at the expense of the American people.
They're going out of business, they have no money, and there goes the
Democratic Party’s easy money.
Let's talk about the explosive revelations of
sexual abuse, assault, and depravity among the “pro-woman” Democrats. These
scandals are engulfing the Democratic Party in much larger numbers than the
smaller number of perverts and pedophiles have been exposed among Republicans.
FYI, Republicans either admit wrongdoing and step down or they get forced out
by their leadership. In contrast, the Democratic Party, which is so out of
touch with working day Americans, stand as long as possible with their perverts
despite mounting pressure, as they think that the liberal media will protect them
and weather out the media storms. Those days are over. US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
denounced former President Bill Clinton, and the growing number of Democratic leaders
realize that they have to do something.
There are more reasons for conservatives to take
heart for Election 2018. Four years ago, Republicans weren't popular, but the
Democrats was in such disarray, and their liberal base so disaffected, but with
the conservative grassroots there was such energy to change the leadership and
the representation in Congress. Election 2014 witnessed another epic sweep of
seats in Congress. Democrats face a daunting map in 2018, and Republicans are
actually more galvanized to vote since unpopular incumbents have dropped out.
Republicans are working on substantial tax
reform—and call my naively optimistic, but I think they will achieve this victory.
Economic indicators suggest growing prosperity in 2018, which will further assist
Republicans heading into mid-terms. Red states are energized not just because
of previous victories, but ruling majorities have enacted key reforms. So even
if there isn't a national wave, there will be enough support in key states that
Republicans will gain in the US Senate and hold seats in the House.
Why does an aura of doom surround the GOP, though,
despite the ominous signs for the Democrats? The media is depicting a rupturing
Republican Party because of Trump. Notice the inordinate attention on retiring
US Senator Jeff flake's hot mic comments. But who cares about the recriminations
of the dying press and the exposed political establishment. Despite their
pleas, conservatives want the Republican Party to be the party of Trump,
Bannon, and Roy Moore. GOP grassroots want men and women in elected office who
fight back, who keep their promises, and pay attention to the basic needs of
the Working Man on Main Street.

Conservatives, take a
deep breath. Election 2018 is going to be spectacular. And if there are
Republicans who lose their seats in Congress or around the country, it will be
because they have frustrated the MAGA agenda, and frankly we don't need those
kinds of representatives in Washington anymore.
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