The Year 2017 is just getting better and better, and it's not even
It’s not just Morning in America, people. This is a bright future,
which grow until the glorious day. President Trump beat down every
Establishment and crony interest to win the Presidency. The inauguration speech
he delivered was just what the country needed. Full-throated love and support
for America, with a keen attention to restoring all powers not enumerated in
the Constitution to the states and the people.
His first executive orders have imposed a hiring freeze in federal
employment and end to funding for abortions overseas
Contrary to the prissy whining of the #NeverTrump conservatives,
populism does not necessarily clash with conservatism. After all, limiting the
state and restoring the power to the individual citizen is the essence limited
government, free-market conservatism.
President Donald Trump has been sworn in, with the largest crowds
on record (who cares what the lame-scream media has to say. A record number of
preachers declared God’s Word without limitation.
James "Mad Dog" Mattis and Michael Flynn have already
been sworn in following a swift confirmation. Trump’s other nominees have
persevered, despite the embittered interrogations of US Senate Democrats.
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders—themselves the perfect image of the walking
dead ideology of socialism—resorted to pointed, malicious, and invidious attacks
to derail Trump’s nominees.
Their class warfare hate speech is no longer working.
Dr. Tom Priced shamed his liberal adversary Lizzie Lie-a-wath-a
for subtly accusing him of insider trading. Finally, the conservative bean
counters are fighting back! Betsy DeVos had to give Weekend at Bernie Sanders a
basic lesson on economics: “Nothing in life is free.” Free college is a total
scam, anyway, since someone (that’s you and me) will have to pay for it. Senator
Pat Roberts from Kansas gently gibed Ron Wyden of Oregon. What Democrat would
not need a valium at this point? After all, their progressive socialist agenda has
been soundly rejected at every turn, and they are watching the conservative resurgence
with boxing gloves beating them in the public sphere.
Even Energy Secretary nominee Rick Perry poked fun at Al Franken’s
expense. I was waiting for someone to say that Perry was “good enough, smart
enough, and dog-gone it, people like him. Oh well.” Perhaps frankly unfunny
Franken should go back to SNL, and spend his declining years with fellow
unfunny liberals in New York City.
 And you know that
Washington has changed when Lindsey Graham apologizes to Ted Cruz for wishing
him shot dead on the US Senate floor. They even co-authored a bill move the US
Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the Jewish State’s true capital.
Republican insiders are predicting that Trump will outshine Ronald
Reagan. Trump prepared to outshine previous administrations when he illuminated
the true meaning of America as “the city on a hill.” Like Newt Gingrich
indicated, Reagan beat down Communism beyond our shores. Now we need someone to
finish the job without our own borders. For decades, conservative activists
like the late Phyllis Schlafly railed against subsequent Republican lawmakers who
tried to slow down or maintain the New Deal/Socialist status quo. Today, we
have a conservative/populist street fighter who will destroy the old order and
usher in a new America, one where liberty reigns supreme, and abject,
unfettered liberalism must resign itself to the margins.
Reagan talked about America as a “city on a hill.” But legislators
and leaders afterwards forgot what that meant. When a city shines out as an
example, the light inspires other countries to follow suit. Yet for the last 20
years, American military forces have taken down dictators and attempted to
impose Jeffersonian republicanism. Reformation must begin from within, before
we see Revolution burst forth without. When the other nations want what we have and work for it where
they are, then they will enjoy the same peace and prosperity.
And the Democratic Party is in free-fall, with no real interest in
learning from their many mistakes. One outspoken yet ill-informed regressive
leftist is trying to slap some sense into his much beleaguered progressive
Democrats, but his efforts are growing fruitless, much like trying to waken a
corpse. From the mouth of Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of Labor Robert
“The [Democratic] Party is on life support.”
Amen. Their demise seemed eminent in 1972, following an epic 49
state loss to Richard Nixon (and another wipeout from Reagan in 1984)—but
Democrats controlled Congress and state legislatures. Election 1994 was a
sweeping win for Republicans at the state level as well as Congress, but they
still hadn’t learn to defeat the media at their own game. When establishment
Republicans played the same corrupt games as Dems, they got swept out with
Obama. His arrogance prospered the Tea Party movement, and Donald Trump will
finish the work.
In contrast to the dying Democratic Party (strangling on their own
hubris), the United States is prospering again, already. And our leadership is
radiating within the halls of Washington throughout the world.
There’s good news, even in California.
Illegals are not enrolling their kids in public schools or get
driver’s licenses. California farmers are investing in more mechanized equipment,
since they can no longer rely on a steady stream of cheap, illegal laborers.
Mass-murderer Charles Manson is in critical condition, May he die
very soon. Why are California taxpayers still footing the bills for his room
and board, anyway?
California is receiving unprecedented rainfall. Half the state is
no longer in drought. The reservoirs have filled up so quickly, excess water has
been released into the ocean. So much for global warming.
A beautiful verse comes to mind:
I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of
the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land
springs of water. (Isaiah 41: 18)
Of course, the drought is stagnantly resistant in Los Angeles
County, but we conservatives are ready to see pools of conservative resurgence
break out, even here!
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