Election Year 2016 is shaping out to be the most competitive in decades.

Not just at the Presidential level, however, but in the Congressional contests coming to California, too.

At least ten seats are open or competitive for a Republican. This transformation is a massive difference from ten or even twenty years ago, when the state legislature would cut deals with the Congressional reps, and carve out safe, heavily gerrymandered districts.

Not any more.

Even  if Democrats have gained five seats in the California delegation over the last two cycles, they face unprecedented political campaign spending costs to hold onto these seats. A Pyrrhic victory, to say the least.

Democrats are a bad brand coming into 2016, and Hillary Clinton, if she is the eventual nominee, has nothing going for her except that she is. . . a she.  A strong Republican presidential candidate will bring up the ticket. More importantly, Democrats are voting Republican in record numbers, and elected Democrats all over the country are switching parties, joining the more popular and populist GOP.

Here are the CA GOP Congressional candidates to watch in 2016:

CD-3 == Eugene Cleek

This doctor already has the advantage going in as the non-politico. So glad that this good doctor stepped up for  this seat.

Eugene Cleek, MD


CD-7 == Scott Jones

Sheriff Scott Jones

He IS the Sheriff for Sacramento County. Strong on immigration. Doug Ose and the previous sheriff have ALREADY  endorsed him

He can — and must! — defeat Ami Bera!

CD-9 == Kathryn Nance

A police officer from Stockton, her pro-law enforcement background and platform will put her in a better light against a doddery incumbent in the Stockton area, where the housing crisis still haunts, and pension crises still threaten default in struggling cities.

Kathryn Nance

CD-16 == Johnny Tacherra 

Johnny Tacherra

No the NRCC is not targeting this seat, but Tacherra pulled off a near upset in 2014.
He is a biblical, Christian constitutional conservative. I love this guy!

CD-17 == Ronald Cohen

Ronald Cohen

This seat has made headlines for the Khanna-Honda dust – up. 

A real conservative has just jumped in, and could very well make it into Top Two  (no guarantees he would win the general, of course)

CD-20 == Casey Lucius  

Casey Lucius

This seat is open, since Sam Farr is retiring.

This woman is liberal, except on the Second Amendment. I have talked to Santa Cruz GOP Vice Chair Mike LeLieur. They need to find someone more center-right affiliated (a la David Hadley)

CD-24 == Katcho Achadjian

Katcho Achadjian

He is the current assemblyman in 60% of this district.

The Congress District is an OPEN seat — since Lois "Bust a" Capps retired. He is already polling ahead, but he is moderate. I think he is worth a phone call, to say the least. Let's see if we can get him to get more right on immigration and local control. Help this man!

Here is his Facebook page:

CD-26 == Rafael Dagnasses

Rafael Dagnasses

This man is AWESOME. Big on national security, conservative, has reached out to his community.
I have spoken with him personally!

CD-31 == Paul Chabot

Paul Chabot

This man is a powerhouse! He is doing what David Hadley did, uniting different elements within the district. Where is Gary Miller? He needs to endorse Chabot NOW! Chabot has been endorsed already by many Latino (Democratic!) pastors. Incumbent Aguilar is looking bad in the media, too.

CD-36 — ?

Who will challenge Raul Ruiz?

Lupe Watson wanted to do it – then dropped out. This is not good. This district is getting less competitive by the minute, and that is worse!

I think this might explain why she dropped out:

How about Brian Nestande? Then again, he already lost. Is there someone? Anyone? This seat cannot slip out of GOP hands in 2016.

CD-52 == Denise Gitsham

Denise Gitsham

Gitsham is my candidate. I think State Sen. Joel Anderson was telling me about her – He likes her more than Jacquie Atkinsson. Atkinson repeats the mistakes of the past. No DeMaio clones, please! Gitsham should downplay her connections with Rove and Bush — Tea Party people do not like them.

Final Reflection

Democrats will be scrambling to hold onto seats in an year in which Democrats are voting Republican in record numbers across the country. With an open US Senate seat, and a Presidential election holding out for a non-Establishment candidate to take the nomination, Republicans are entering strong.

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