
May 11, 2017


California's Election Integrity Project, Inc. Applauds President Trump's

Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity 

California's Election Integrity Project, Inc. (EIP) applauds President Trumpfor his initiative in taking a positive and decisive step to investigate the integrity of America's electoral processes. As an organization that has worked tirelessly for over six years to investigate, thoroughly document and expose the severe Civil Rights violations occurring in California at the hands of a sloppy, lawless and corrupt system, we are encouraged by the president's bold acknowledgement that American citizens deserve better.
Since our inception in December, 2010, California's (EIP) has recruited a top-notch data team that has documented the hundreds of thousands of deceased and duplicate voters on the California voter rolls, and hundreds of people registered and voting in more than one county. But after providing this information to county officials year after year, there has been almost no action or desire to clean up the mess. As a result, our research shows that alarming numbers of deceased and duplicates remain on the rolls, and votes are being recorded in those names in numbers large enough to swing local, and in some cases statewide elections.
California's Election Integrity Project, Inc. has trained approximately 7,000 citizen volunteers from all over the state: from Shasta county in the north, to San Diego county in the south; from the Bay area to the counties bordering Nevada; from counties in the Central Coast and the Central Valley to Los Angeles county, the most populated county not only in California but in the nation with over 5 million registered voters.
Those volunteers fanned out to observe election procedures in the major elections of 2012, 2014, and 2016, and in numerous local and special elections in between. They have provided incident reports that tell a frightening story about how unprotected Californians' votes really are because of lax laws, lack of enforcement of state and federal election law, poor or incorrect training of poll workers and insecure registration and voting procedures.
In August of 2015, the California Advisory Committee to the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights took a full day of testimony from citizens from all parts of California, and from California's Election Integrity Project, Inc. spokespersons, which painted a vivid picture of how deeply and consistently the electoral process violates the Civil Rights of all California citizens. In what may be an unprecedented effort to protect the wrongdoing and the wrong doers, the resulting report of the Committee was first heavily redacted and then "lost" in the bureaucracy. It has yet to be published and released.
California's Election Integrity Project, Inc. is prepared to work with President Trump's commission by providing our expertise and six years of documented evidence that has resulted in our ability to create a blueprint of how unconstitutional laws, noncompliance with state and federal laws, and voting procedures that have deteriorated into criminal behavior and intimidation of citizens in the polls.

California's Election Integrity Project, Inc. is working to seek justice for California citizens by filing legal action this year to address the issues that have plagued and destroyed the integrity of California's election process!
The citizens of every state in the union will be the beneficiaries of the work of President Trump's commission. For the first time in a long time, we now have hope that our greatest right as American citizens, the civil right to elect those who will represent and govern us through a fair, honest and non-discriminatory process will be restored.
EIP is

building a media team 
If you would like to join this team or if you have local media contacts, please email John Berry, who will ensure they get critical info. 

Linda Paine  

President and Co-founder
Election Integrity Project

 Please consider supporting the work of Election Integrity Project, Inc.
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