“Of course, I
would enforce all the laws of the land. Of course, I think all Americans should
be protected by the law. What I
have said before is I don’t think anyone should get ‘extra rights.’”
–Dr. Ben
Carson at the HUD Appointment Committee Hearing

Now this is

Dr. Ben Carson is
well-known for candor dressed in respect.

He spoke his mind
at the 2013 Prayer Breakfast, in which US Senator and now Attorney-General
designate Jeff Sessions introduced him to the audience. His boldness and
freshness of mind have emboldened the millions in this country silenced by
political correctness and overwhelmed by a regressive agenda.

Men and women of
faith looked up to Carson as not just a moral compass, but Presidential
material. His bid for the highest office in the land did not end well, but his
future is still bright.

And I anticipate
that his role as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will witness a
conservative and Christian revival within America's inner cities.

He also affirmed
his Biblical, sensible world view at the 2014 CPAC gathering:

“Of course gay
people should have the same rights as everyone else,” he said at the time. “But
they don't get extra rights. They don't get to redefine marriage.”

Being gay is not
an identity, but I respect Carson's statement that no one gets "extra

Finally, federal
appointees are demonstrating courage and heft against the Left-Wing Washington

But Carson was not
the only to speak the truth and not pay homage to political correctness.

Mad Dog James
Mattis reminded members of the Armed Services Committee what the military is
really for.

Liberal New York
Senator Kristen Gillibrand asked the following:

“Do you believe
that allowing LGBT Americans to serve in the military or women in combat is
undermining our lethality?” 

Mattis batted away
that silly, subversive, and offensive question: 

senator, I’ve never cared much about two consenting adults and who they go to
bed with.

my concern is on the readiness of the force to fight and to make certain it’s
at the top of its game."

The interrogation
process is making Democrats look bad. Finally, Republican appointees are
following the leader of the Commander in Chief and pushing back against the
overt and obstructive political correctness of the dwindling Democratic class
in Washington.

His statement
reminded me of Former Governor Mike Huckabee's comments about LGBT issues in
the American military:

"The military
is not a social experiment.

"The purpose
of the military is to kill people and break things. It's not to transform the
culture by trying out some ideas that some people think would make us a
different country and more diverse.

"The purpose
of it is that we protect every American."

But I want to
return to Dr. Ben Carson's direct retort, and his rejection of "extra

The federal
government under Barack has insisted on an aggravated expansion of entitlements
and privileges for "minority groups", including homosexuals and
individuals involved in transgenderism.

This push for
special rights has in fact undermined equal rights for all.

Private firms must
accommodate demands from militant leftist, or go out of business.

A celebrity of pop
star speaks out against homosexuality, and they lose their contacts, performing
gigs, and reputation.

Small business
face lawsuits, and local governments must abandon invocations to God our

Educators in
post-secondary institutions face discipline or determination if they permit
discussions on issues like the definition of marriage, homosexuality.

Elected officials
who stand up for life and family face an unprecedented onslaught against their
re-election bids. In some cases, they end up losing ,as occurred in North
Carolina this past election cycle.

It's time that our
federally elected officials and their appointees restored and strengthened the
basic tenet of this country:

"Equal rights
for all. Special privileges for one."

Dr. Carson’s
deliberate response was particularly strong and powerful.

Here is an
African-American, who was reared in poverty.

His father was not
in his life. His mother relied on a good form of “deception” to make his son
studious and alert.

He worked through
medical school, became an accomplished and world-renowned surgeon, wrote
numerous books, and delivered informed speeches to renowned crowds.

Then came the 2013
National Prayer Breakfast, where he stood out further and influenced millions.
I still remember talking to neighbors in my South Bay, California home about
his impressive and courageous acumen.

They were all
talking about his leadership potential, as early as 2013!

For a man who had
faced so much adversity in his life, one would think he would be the last
person to strike the argument of special rights or affirmative action.

But he did. He
never felt sorry for himself. He grew, he learned, he faced challenges, and he
stands as a guiding light for what all Americans can be:

Equal rights for
all. Special privileges for none.

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