The Easy Reader reported on a recent demonstration against State Senator Ted Lieu's hesitance to support a ban on harvesting shark fins. "Don't be a Lieu-ser! Ban Shark Fins!" One poster punningly opined.

State Senator Ted Lieu's (D-Torrance) vapid defense for voting against a shark-fin ban is that it would discriminate against Chinese-Americans, who eat shark-fin soup as a delicacy. Yet there is no discussion about the tax-and-spend deficit-run California Government which is discriminating against the citizens of the Golden State and our posterity.

One demonstrator said, "Sharks scare me, but I still think they have a right to live." Since when do animals have a right to anything? What about the right of Americans to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, all of which are diminished by Leviathan Government that wants to regulate another trade, creating another set of black market blackguards!

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