Election 2016 is like a fairy tale, a story of good evil.
So much good has prevailed. Yet evil still lurks in the
When Cruz trounced the Donald by double digits and walked
away with the store in Kansas, I knew that this race was going to be more than
a smooth coronation for a crass vulgarian.
And yet, I owe Donald some thanks. He burned up Bush as the
Washington Cartel burned up their cash supporting a third installment of New
England big government Republicanism.
Cruz won Maine—a New England state where the plain-spoken
Governor had already endorsed Donald Trump. Incredible! Voters told the Pine
Tree state governor Paul LePage: “Tell him to kiss my butt!”
True, Donald Trump has his fair share of supporters. Talking
“Fair Trade”, “good deals” and “I will build a wall” will get lots of people
lining up behind you. With those large crowds comes another crop of followers:
not Kalidahs, not field mice, and better than the New York press corps: every
politician looking to get reelected in 2016, and riding the Donald Trump wave.
Political correctness must give way to … correctness, not
crap and corruption. Donald has made it safe to speak your mind, despite the
political correctness cabal of the mainstream media. He’s a lot like the
Scarecrow though. If he hold had a brain.
Ted Cruz can speak, and has a mind worth listening to.
Donald, you’re not in Kansas anymore, and neither is the
rest of this country.
The conservatives are angry, but the answer is not to careen
like a drunken tornado through New York City, Los Angeles, or somewhere out in
the flat Midwest.
The answer is to the follow the Yellow Brick Road, to elect
representatives who will respect the Golden Rule toward their constituents and
this country. We have this thing called a Constitution, and the deals start
with Congress. The President signs off and carries out the legislated
directives of the body politick. For too long, Congressional representatives,
even Republicans following their epic victories in 2014, have continued
behaving like Munchkins waiting for the next special interest or corporate
lobbyist who will give them a lolly-pop.
“We wish to welcome you to K Street!” chimed the chorus up
and down DC.
Those days are over.
After eight (OK sixteen counting Bush 43) years of big
government backroom deals, voters are ready to throw their houses at these
three-piece suit goons, if they could. But too many of them have lost their
homes from the bad market, or do not even want to own one. Enough already!
A bucket of water got rid of the Wicked Witch of the West.
What will get rid of the unruly cronyism of deficit spending, bureaucratic
wrangling, and regulatory tyranny?
Not President Trump (or Cruz, for that matter). The
President is not—cannot be—some ditzy witch (or warlock, if we are talking
about men) who waves a magic wand and makes everything all better. The American
People need more than protection from the flying monkeys of Wall Street. We
need to remember the three words at the front of the Founding Charter: “We the
That’s you and me. Don’t just stand there and look pretty in
ruby slippers (or  grinding your teeth).
Stop waiting for someone (or somewhere) over the rainbow for a miracle. Want to
make America Great Again, America? Start doing more than voting—or staying at
home and grousing because the candidate you wanted did not get the nomination.
The middle class in this country wants to click their heels
and repeat: “There’s no place like home.”
“Home “is becoming a drastically different place.
This America, this United States has changed so—no, too—drastically.
Yes, people want their country back. They want to go back to
the comforts of Auntie Em and Uncle Henry. When men and women knew who they
were (and could tell the difference). When you worked and earned the rewards of
your labor, and when the bad guys got what they deserved, too.
People do not like what eight years of Barack Obama—the
Wicked Witch of the Southside—has created. And yet, furious with the political
cravenness of the Second Bush (New England Republicanism, why bother?)
Have they learned their lesson? We need to stop seeing
Washington DC as our Emerald City, the source of all our wealth and goodness.
The only green left is not the money printed ad infinitum from the Federal
Reserve. Just the greed of the influence-peddlers, humbugs pretending to be
Pull aside the curtains people. Stop acting like cowardly
The voters in this country have been acting like scared
little farm girls. They have fallen into a different land. While the Wicked
Witch of the East—the Washington Establishment, its feet all curled up with no
body worth moving–Dorothy, where are you? Dorothy!
The voters need to stop looking at the trees. And no,
they’re not throwing anything at us.
Marco Rubio, like a bronzed Tin Woodsman, has run out of
Then there’s the kind and saintly Tin Woodsman, played by
Ohio Governor John Kasich. He wants to stay positive, be nice, be liked—all the
cringe-worthy elements which have enabled Washington to get bigger faster under
our sleepy eyes.
It’s time to stop telling ourselves stories.
It’s time stomp our feet and step back into the light.

We’re not in Kansas anymore, but the future is looking
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