Nbcnews.com has reported that "Main Street" is now madder than ever at the Beltway, more than Wall Street or Sesame Street or Easy Street. The Washington gridlock is (still) getting nothing done. The "fiscal cliff" of 2011 was engineered to be so steep, so severe, so severing that Republicans and Democrats would have no choice but to come together and come up with a gathered set of compromises.

One year later, one month later, one week, and now to the day, and no deal has been reached to prevent massive tax hikes on everyone, or to stop a massive sequester into every department of the federal budget.

“They should make a plan, make up their minds and do something!” Abigail Holt of Hartford, Connecticut

They were not in the business of making plans before, so why should they start?

"Washington, the country's biggest day-care center" — Howard Kurtz, The Daily Beast

Where were the parents who were supposed to raise them right?

"Members of Congress who can't compromise probably aren't good lovers." — Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Now it gets personal.

“It doesn’t feel like they’re doing much. I think they’ve lost touch with who the American people are. It’s a pretty elite group in Washington.” Rich Dodd of Houston, Texas.

Politicians out of touch? Really?

For all the bluster blanketing the Internet, one would assume that the polled respondents would take into account other verities.

Jonathan Carl, guest anchor for the December 30th edition of "This Week", followed up on this growing rancor and ridicule of the American people toward Congress. Some unique rants from individual American voters include:

"This country is hurting right now. We need to stop worrying about politics."

Politics, argument, a meeting of the minds to get things done: that's what government is all about.

"Sit down, get in a room, and don't come out of that room until you've got this thing taken care of."

One commented that a papal enclave set-up — make a decision, or make your bed until you do — would force some kind of deal from our leaders.

"It's absolutely ridiculous, and it should have been taken care of a long time ago."

It "should have" been taken care of, that ever-present, ever-elusive "should have", a liberal staple which drives too many arguments in our political discourse.

"If you have to get the job, then you have to get the job done."

Congress was designed to get as little done as possible. Checks and Balances, American Government. Ask you High School Civics teacher.

"We've heard the job is compromise. You have to work together to the get the job done."

Compromise depends on shared values and mutual respect, a common vision carried out with different tempers. This interest has disappeared from the halls of Congress.

"I have very little faith that they are going to reach a deal, and that really frustrates me."

Perhaps it's time for the American voters to stop having faith in the federal government for anything.
All of this fuss and ruckus about the fiscal cliff fallout gives the impression that the voters, the constituencies, every man and woman who had their say, had nothing to do with this final gridlock. . .
Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States of America: there was an election on November 6th, 2012. The majority of you voted for the same rabble that got little down for the past two years, so what do you have to say for yourselves?

President Obama was up for reelection, the same President who pushed a stimulus that did not stimulate, a health insurance mandate which will all but mandate that fewer people have health insurance, while those who still have it will pay more for it. The same President who oversaw a country with a record number of discouraged-unemployed, foodstamp recipients, followed by anemic growth in key professions and business circles.

This same President maintained troops in Afghanistan, where the native soldiers now train their firearms on those who trained them. This dismembering of the War in Afghanistan follows the Obama "apology tour" of the Middle East, followed by the "Obama-bystander" while Iran erupted in protests, which then gave way to the Arab Spring and then an Islamist Winter.The "no-fly-zone" support for Libyan insurgents paved the way for an "Al-Qaeda" satellite in North Africa, followed by the stunning deaths of our state department officials, a terrorist rout still under investigation.
President Obama refused to lead on debt and deficit reduction. He ignored his own "Simpson-Bowles" commission, which created the "fiscal cliff". Obama wants to spend, does not want to cut, and his government prints money ad infinitum, which will finish up value of the dollar and reduced assistance for the unemployed.

"Do Something!" voters are shouting. They had their chance November 6th, and they reelected the same gridlock back to Congress. The current failings of this divided government were on full display for two years. Obama owns the failures of Washington grid-iron gridlock. As for the voters who reelected the same self-inflicting tag team, they got what they voted for.

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