Ending her last year in office, Oklahoma Governor Mayor
Fallin signed off on conservative, essentially non-controversial legislation,
including bills that would allow the placement of the Ten Commandments on
public property. That’s fine, since there is no clause in the United States
Constitution which requires an arbitrary wall of separation of church and
state. She also signed off on legislation to defend adoption agencies’ right to
decline release of children to certain guardians for religious reasons.
Christian adoption agencies should not have to compromise their views on
natural marriage or biological/gender identity.
However, one of her few vetoes included
SB 1212, legislation which would enact constitutional carry
in the Sooner
State. This was a bitter disappointment. Sadly, this basic right could not have
come soon enough for Second Amendment activists and concerned citizens in
general. The bill passed by veto-proof majorities, too. Oklahoma legislators
went into recess for the rest of the year one day after passing the bill. With
two-thirds approval, the legislators could call for a special session (there’s
no way that Fallin would call a special session to override her veto), but that
outcome for that extraordinary measure looks quite unlikely.
Even though this unnecessary delay on constitutional carry was
a sad setback, one which shouldn’t be surprised, especially for those following
Fallin’s pragmatic (read “Establishment”) streak. This Second Amendment
reticence has gripped a number of states with GOP trifectas or GOP legislative supermajorities
facing a Democratic governor. They still won’t get this common-sense reform
passed into law. Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White
House, but the US Senate won’t move on national reciprocity at all (H.R. 38,
Hudson), either. There’s still time, Washington D.C., and the rising chorus of
federal lawmakers demanding that GOP leaders forego the August recess has
grown. Will they summon the courage for one more legislative sprint to get
national reciprocity on the books?
But let’s get back to the Oklahoma failure, OK?
What gives? Why would ruby-red Governor Fallin drop the gun
on this winning reform? Her press release was
the usual “I support the Second Amendment, BUT” pablum
“Oklahomans believe that
law-abiding individuals should be able to defend themselves. I believe the
firearms requirement we currently have in state law are few and reasonable.
Of course Oklahomans support the Second Amendment. The
supermajority of their legislators pushed the legislation through, responding
to the will of their constituents and heavy lobbying from pro-Second Amendment
groups. The expansion of any right goes beyond the reason of elected officials
or popular masses. It’s a natural right enshrined in the United States
Constitution: “The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” What’s
the point of a right which faces numerous hurdles, exceptions, and loopholes? No
government has a right to stymie that.
Senate Bill 1212 eliminates the
training requirements for persons carrying a firearm in Oklahoma. It reduces
the level of the background check necessary to carry a gun.”
These concerns are tiresome and misplaced. A firearm is a
tool—for protection, sure, but a tool nonetheless. I don’t need a license to
purchase pepper spray, or to cook in my kitchen or going swimming in the ocean. Furthermore, more people
die from poisoning or in vehicular accidents than from firearms.
. Do states
pass licensure requirements to cook in the kitchen or go swimming, since there
is danger and possible death associated with those scenarios, too? The main counter-argument
 focuses on state requirements to obtain
driver’s license. If people want to drive a vehicle on their own property, they
wouldn’t need a license, but since motorists are 99% likely to use public
streets and highways, the state governments have the right to require drivers
to use public property and engage in public use. Besides, the United States
Constitution does not establish a right to drive a motor vehicle, and the
states retain the right to regulate that privilege under the 10th
As for carrying a firearm, the greater danger lies with the
criminals who run guns and commit other crimes. A training requirement is not
going to prevent bad people from getting guns, but it certainly slows down
law-abiding citizens from exercising their God-given rights.
“SB 1212 eliminates the current ability of Oklahoma law enforcement to
distinguish between those carrying guns who have been trained and vetted, and
those who have not.”
Fallin’s “law enforcement” excuse draws
from concerns raied by police agencies like the Oklahoma City Police
Some Republican leaders are so beholden to law enforcement
leaders and unions that they will compromise on individual rights. I spoke with
two deputies in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department about limits on firearms
protection and concealed-carry laws. In California, individuals cannot carry
weapons of any kind into a city council meeting, a restriction which oftentimes
placed my fellow activists and me in a precarious position. Left-wing thugs
don’t care about such rules. Why couldn’t we carry a firearm if properly
licensed? I sounded off on my frustration with the “may-issue” mentality in
The LA County deputies’ response floored me: “We don’t like
guns. We would prefer that people didn’t have concealed-carry.” My reaction to
that remains: to hell with your preferences! The Second Amendment is a right,
regardless of the ideal conditions or limitations desired by law enforcement.
Again, the best defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a
gun—and a good guy who is not afraid to use it. Such was the failure of the
Parkland High School scooting, which
provided a convenient excuse for Iowa
and South
Carolina’s legislatures
to stall efforts on constitutional carry this year,
Next year should promise victories for constitutional carry.
Oklahoma will have a new governor, most likely a Republican, and all the
current contenders urged Fallin to support constitutional carry. Other states
will have gotten past the media frenzy following the Parkland
massacre—hopefully. The fight for full restoration and exercise of our
Constitutional rights—including constitutional carry—continues.

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