I hope that Conservative Party members take a stand for what is right and select Derek Sloan to be the leader of Canada's Conservative Party.
Let's hope he gets the victory. We need this kind of boldness.
One of the radical left’s favourite strategies is to redefine the meaning of words in order to hide the truth and advance terrible ideas.
This is exactly what Justin Trudeau’s government did back on March 9, when they tabled Bill C-8, their bid to ban what they define as “conversion therapy”.
The problem is that their definition of “conversion therapy” includes situations in which people are helping a child identify with the body they were born with.
For example, if your 8-year-old son comes home from school one day and announces that he thinks he is really “a girl trapped inside a boy’s body,” efforts to persuade him otherwise will be considered “conversion therapy” and will be illegal.
Meanwhile, the same Liberals celebrate giving a child artificial hormones and irreversible, mutilating plastic surgery, and they call this “gender affirmation”. 
This is despite the fact that studies show that over 80% of children who question their gender end up by the age of 18 happily identifying with the way they were born. 
If that doesn’t make any sense to you, well, that’s because you’re not a radical gender ideologue. And truthfully, what Bill C-8 is really about is silencing everyone who opposes radical gender ideology.
C-8 is legislation that both extends a ban that is far too broad and represents an unacceptable overreach into personal liberties and parental sovereignty.
Under C-8, Canadian parents can be jailed simply for trying to help their children accept who they are during a time of confusion. 
This legislation will do nothing less than enshrine a form of child abuse – by the government – into Canadian law. 
I have never made a secret of my opposition to Bill C-8, and my position has earned me many messages of support from all kinds of Canadians, including from members of the LGBT community, who recognize that the lives of children are currently being sacrificed on the altar of gender ideology.
My leadership opponents have varying views on C-8.
Leslyn Lewis has expressed opposition to it, but she hasn’t been actively campaigning against it as I have. If Leslyn finds her way into Parliament soon, I hope that she will join me in voting against C-8.
Erin O’Toole has been strangely silent on the legislation. Why? Ask Erin.
Peter MacKay actively supports C-8, and he has gone on record as calling my harsh criticism of C-8 “reprehensible”.
I find it “reprehensible” that Peter MacKay won’t oppose this anti-child, anti-parental rights legislation, legislation that prevents Canadians from freely engaging in private conversations.
That what’s “reprehensible”, Peter MacKay!
When I become Prime Minister, I will get rid of Bill C-8 and I will also introduce legislation banning sex change operations for children under 18, as lawmakers in the U.K. have recently done. 
But I need your help. If this is important to you, Arthur, please donate today to help my campaign “get out the vote” in this crucial stage of the leadership contest.
We are in the midst of a culture war, and gender ideology is one of the radical left’s favourite weapons. 
But Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government should leave children out of it.
Derek Sloan
Member of Parliament
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