The perversity never ends.

How many stories have we read in the press about teachers betraying their trust and sexually abusing students?

When does this insanity stop?!

This outrage occurs not just in public schools–although they seem to work much harder covering up all the abuse.

Former Mary Star teacher gets year in jail for sending nude photos tominors

Daniel T. O’Connell, 32, of Rancho Palos Verdes was sentenced Sept. 1
in Los Angeles Superior Court downtown to 364 days in county jail and five
years probation. He also must attend a minimum of 52 weeks of sex offender
counseling, Deputy District Attorney Angela Brunson said.
O’Connell also cannot use the internet to contact children and cannot
spend any unsupervised time with minors. If he violates any terms of the
agreement, he will be sentenced to two years in state prison, Brunson said.
But here's the part that I found interesting.
O’Connell’s status as a registered sex offender will prevent him from
teaching school again. As an Australian citizen, he could be deported,
authorities said.

I say "Deport!"

Why should we house and feed criminals from other countries who are here on the bare auspices of immigration status. This is wrong.

DEPORT this Australian National/Sex Offender

This man is not a natural-born American. He came to this country under the trust that he would abide by our laws and respect our country and its citizenry.

He did not meet that obligation.

We need to send the message loud and clear to the entire world.

Immigrants are welcome to enter the United States, and they are welcome to join the American compact.

But if they want to abuse American children, if they want to upend our laws and endanger American citizens–then you need to leave.

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