I cannot believe that Dennis Prager roped in Todd Akin's misstatement about rape and abortion, claiming that Akin spoke a "lie" to further a cause.

That is patently untrue.

Todd Akin expressed an opinion that was wrong, but then to include that he is a blatant, vulgar liar for making this statement is just a supposition taken to far.

The Truth will set you free. The Truth is a person (John 8: 32).

Yet even for those who choose not to submit to truth as a person, then at least I respond to this charge:

"What we have here, rather than a lie in the technical sense, are two other, more common assaults on truth:

First is the lack of desire to know truth in order for the individual to continue to believe what he wants to believe."

Akin's statement does not fall into this first category.

Then Prager establishes another concern:

"The second reason so many people don't value the truth: Their cause is always higher than truth telling."

Akin was not lying in the first place, and he was not presenting what he believed was untrue in order to advance a cause.

I am ashamed that Dennis Prager has jumped in line with the rest of the Mainstream Media howling about a few misstatements.

Ironically, Prager chose to hear and to conclude certain things not in line with Akin's comments. Who is ignoring the truth at the service of a cause or an argument.

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