Local and national Democrats love to play the race card.

It is irrational, causes confusion and frustration for targeted parties, and forced opponents to play defense: the essence of the Saul Alinsky play book.

The Latest Racist Smear

The latest attack, both slamming Rubio, the Republican Party, and the (conservative) GOP platform of secure borders and legal immigration, suggesting an innate animus against people of color or diverse ethnic background.

In short, only bigots want a secure border.

This is not just an outrageous sentiment, offensive and officious, but completely unsubstantiated, if not false.

Consider the United States of Mexico, predominantly Hispanic country, with one of the securest (Southern) borders in the world. Mexican National Guardsmen shoot anyone who tries to sneak into their country illegally. Yet the previous President had the audacity to shame the United States Congress for securing their border, in a far less lethal fashion.

Who is the bigot in the scenario above?

US Senator Ted Cruz, also of Cuban descent, supports a secure border. Is he a bigot, too?

In full understanding, the only bigots are those who attack others as such because they support the commonsense, moral, and legally imperative that the United States federal government secure the borders against rampant, illegal immigration.

On September 30th, 2014, Breitbart Texas published a poll which revealed that a majority of Hispanics did indeed support a secure border. Contrary to the left-wing argument to the contrary, a desire for national security transcends colors and ethnic backgrounds. Immigrants around the world seek to live in this country precisely because they want to live securely in a country, and rest safe in their homes.

A year before that, another poll had contended that a majority of Hispanics, regardless of their party affiliation or ethnic status, or even geographical location, favored secure borders before any discussion about legalization (if any).

What about African-Americans? How do they feel about border security and immigration issues? 71%,  a stunning majority, support stronger border security measures. One of the most liberal Democrats in Congress, deceased Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas, held the staunchest line against illegal immigration, demanding that only those who should come in, be let in.

Would liberals today contend that Jordan was a bigot? She was the face of the Civil Rights Movement in her day, including her well-publicized comments during the Nixon Impeachment hearings.

If not bigotry, the Democratic false narrative against Republicans is blatant hypocrisy, especially in line with recent advocates of controlled, legal immigration not just from prior Congressional representatives, but even present-day Democratic groups and unaffiliated liberals fed up with their party claiming the mantle of working-class Americans, yet at the same time pandering to Big Business.

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