House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has promised everything
she can for the young illegal aliens and her increasingly restive left-leaning
caucus. The house members are grousing privately about how their leader is
ruining their brand across the country. As for the illegal aliens and their
activist enablers, they overwhelmed one of her press conferences in San
Francisco. They badgered her US Senate colleagues, including Chuck Schumer by
protesting outside of his home in New York State. Two weeks ago, Pelosi stood
for 8 hours to demand that a clean DREAM Act be attached to the latest budget
spending bill.

Nothing happened.
Meanwhile, since 2016 the Democratic Party has moved further
left than anyone would have anticipated. They will embrace every letter in the
LGBTQAI etc. list, they want to repeal the Second Amendment, abolish the First,
get rid of the United States Constitution. They pretty much want to resurrect
Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin and have them both run for
President/Vice-President in 2020. Unless they can get Che Guevara and Mao
Ze-Dong for diversity’s sake, then they will go for that tag team.
Dan Lipinski, a pro-life Democratic Congressman from
Illinois, has not gotten an endorsement from the National Party. He also faces
a stiff primary challenge from the Left. Republicans might have another pick-up
opportunity in Illinois.
There is no better battleground state for the complete
Communist-ization of the Democratic Party than California, where regressive
leftists are stuck between overrunning the Democratic Party apparatus, or
starting their own Berniecrat revolution to counter the corporatist Hillary
Clinton wing of the party. They want free college for anyone. The Berniecrats are
pushing Medicare for all (and who will pay for it? Mexico?!). They want to
divest from oil, they want everyone driving in soybean-powered vehicles, living
in greenhouse enclaves. And let’s not forget the perennial stream of foreign
nationals pouring across the border, treated better than our veterans and
vetted far less than …
Last year’s California Democratic Party convention was a
hate-fest of corruption charges and curse words. Retired chairman John Burton (himself
the target of harassment allegation and among many Democrats targeted for
sexual assault, battery, etc.) resorted to repeated F-bombs and middle fingers.
The election for next California Democratic Party chairman came down to a
60-vote margin between progressive populist outsider Kimberly Ellis and
corporate establishmentarian Eric Bauman.
Bauman won the battle, but the war for the California
Democratic Party’s heart and soul has only deepened. Berniecrats are crying
foul louder than ever. Their precious push for single-payer healthcare, full-on
sanctuary state status is running smack-dab into big business interests and
lobbying firms who play both sides of the aisle for wealth. The only thing that
unifies California Democrats right now is their vicious hatred of Trump, and
even on that point they are disagreeing! To impeach or not impeach? Should they
invest efforts to secede from the union? How about breaking up the state of California?
The 2018 California Democratic Party convention was deeply
chaotic, as well, opening in San Diego with multiple candidates contesting,
vying for the much-coveted Democratic Party endorsements for different offices.
The first major shock: US Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Grande Dame of
California liberal politics, not only failed to capture the party delegation’s
support, but actually lost to State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Leon, and
neither one of them hit the 60% threshold, which means no endorsement. De Leon
needed the party nod more than Feinstein. Still, her woman card and length of
experience, plus hatred of firearms, couldn’t push her over the top. This is
disturbing. DiFi is not left-wing enough! Scary thought.
The other contested statewide races offered shocking results
(and refreshing hope for Republicans) going forward. Incumbent Attorney General
Xavier Becerra is facing termed-out insurance commissioner Dave Jones. He
received more delegate support than Becerra, yet neither one got the
endorsement, either. Incredible. The anti-establishment strain in the
California Democratic Party is flexing muscle, much to its own hurt. The
delegates’ vote for Governor was even more intriguing, showing an incredible
four-way divide. Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom won the most delegates at
39%, followed by State Treasurer John Chiang with 30%, former Superintendent of
Schools Delaine Eastin with 20%, and then finally former LA Mayor Antonio
Villaraigosa with 9%. Tony Villar was scraping the bottom of the barrel, most
likely because he has tried the hardest to hue a consistent, more centrist
message, much as Loretta Sanchez attempted in the US Senate race against Kamala
Harris. It’s not working with Democratic operatives, however.
In fact, this stifling of the official party endorsement
happened for all contested statewide races and a number of Congressional seats
targeted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The Democratic
path to retaking the House runs through California’s Central Valley and
Southern California region. Most of the targeted House Seats are in Southern
California, and some of the Republican incumbents (Royce, Issa) have announced
their retirements, mostly from a combination of term limits as committee
chairmen as well as increasingly menacing odds from Democratic challenges
targeting their seats.
There are so many Democrats jumping in, however, that
liberal operatives fear that two Republicans could slide into the Top Two,
denying Democrats their coveted chances at a House majority. Delegates could
not unify and grant a 60% delegate threshold for one candidate running in those
seats. It will be certainly interesting to see what happens June 5th,
All eyes are on California, that’s for sure. A continued determination
of progressive-leftist Democratic dominance will signal more divisive
politicking among the Left Coast and the White House. If Republicans manage to
push statewide contenders into the general election contest, and then hold onto
key House Seats, then Democratic hopes of stifling the President’s agenda will
hit another wall, and we can expect not just a resurgence of MAGA energy across
the country, but a massive realignment of national party politics, with the
Democratic Party turning into a defunct, regionalized rump of its former self.
Red Tsunami 2018?
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