Liberal Democratic US Senator Jean Shaheen of New Hampshire is proud of her 99% voting record with President Obama.

How the voters of the Granite State feel about this candidate is another matter altogether.

Jean Shaheen v. Scott Brown

Four months ago, Shaheen was riding ten points ahead of Brown, who had best three other Republican contenders in the September primary. Fighting from his former record (and his prior constituency in Massachusetts), Brown has succeeded in gaining increased traction from New Hampshire voters.

With the border crisis of illegal immigrant youth, plus the intangible threat of Ebola arising, plus the devastation of Obamacare, Shaheen should be running from Obama.

Instead, she has doubled down on the same Democratic talking points.

In her latest debate with former Massachusetts state and US Senator Scott Brown, she interrupted his closing remarks, suggesting that his campaign has been funded by the Kansas oil magnates the Koch Brothers.

Brown commented:

She's voted against small businesses 100% of the time. She's got a zero rating from the National Federation of Independent Business. I received their endorsement, but not only them. The Chamber of Commerce endorsed me because. . .

Shaheen then butted in with:

Koch Brothers funded organization. . .

Shushes and boos erupted from the audience, including shouts of "Rude!"

This was a liberal audience, according to Breitbart's Matthew Boyle.

Brown permitted Shaheen to share her comments, then denounced her interruption by reminding her that he had let her make final comments without interrupting him. The crowd applauded Brown.

A double-fail for Shaheen, who is getting nervous as the race she thought she would easily win is slipping away from her.

Analyzing this scene with Neil Cavuto, Bryon York downplayed the weakness of the Koch Brothers' smear.

Still, Shaheen has even advertised on her campaign website the Koch Brothers' influence in her race:

Shaheen wants to recycle Koch

The Big Oil Koch Brothers and their special interest allies are pouring money into New Hampshire to pay for attack mail pieces that are propping up Scott Brown’s campaign.  This mail is littering New Hampshire and we want to do something about it.  Want to help?  Recycle Koch.  Simply bring any attack mail you receive to your local campaign office and recycle it for a Jeanne Shaheen bumper sticker!  

How much mail is coming in from the Koch Brothers, anyway?

I contacted Senator Shaheen's Concord field office, which turned out to be called "Granite State Forward." The gentleman I spoken to had not heard or read anything about Shaheen's initiative to "Recycle Koch". He did mention advertisements on TV, but nothing about mail.

Interesting. How does Senator Shaheen plan on recycling Koch mailers if there aren't any? Even a member of her field staff was not paying attention to these attacks.

Like the "War on Women" rhetoric which has fallen apart under Democratic overuse, the hasty, desperate tactic of tagging Republican candidates as puppets of two billionaires is falling on deaf ears, too.

Even in liberal-leaning New Hampshire.

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