2011 has been a bad year for arrogant dictators, but it has been an
"Annus mirabilis" for the oppressed and harassed, the masses who are "mad as hell", and just won't take it anymore.

In January, the resurgent, free-market and Tea-Party backed GOP in Congress stopped the illiberal statist statust quo juggernaut of Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic autarchy in the House of Representatives.

In the Middle East, the Arab Spring swept from power Arab strongmen long entrenched in power. From Zine al Abidine ben Ali in Tunisia Mubarak in Egypt to Even the "Mad Dog" of the Middle East" Moammar Gadhafi, the longest-reigning tyrant in the Middle East, was fatally undone by the sweeping tide of populist unrest.

In May, the United States finally caught and killed Al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden, who a few months later was followed by the welcome demise of his wicked Yemeni cohort Anwar al-Awlaki.

And, now, I am ill with joy that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il, political pariah and international terrorist, is dead of a sudden heart attack.

It is has been a bang-up year of victory for the free world! I welcome these political trends that have torn down so many evil leaders. 2012 is guaranteed to a be even better, with the certain doom of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, followed by the longed-for downfall of Iranian madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Cantankerous caudillos of Latin America are sure to meet a fatal fate, as well, with the certain passing of cankered Fidel Castro and cancer-ridden Hugo Chavez. The "annus mirabilis" of 2012 will culminate with the downfall of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, a slippery chief executive who has attempted to turn the United States into a banana republic of progressive elites pandering to heartless intellects, all at the expense of Madisonian democracy, free markets, and individual liberty.

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